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HaiXX! !!!!!=g+!WeXeYSV9!=g+!WhWWh!
HaZiX! !!!!!=g+!WeXZeSV9!=g+!WhWW^!
HaeiX! !!!!!=g+!WeXZWSV9!=g+!WhWWU!
HaeXX! !!!!!=g+!WeXe^SV9!=g+!WhWWi!
HaWXX! !!!!!=g+!WeXeUSV9!=g+!WhWWZ!
'(&!3"+g1*4'!%.%'&/ !< (&0 &!4,+ 1 &+% "'),+ !/ );( '!"44* / * -"'&!)+!'(& !3"+!( ,* %)+; !"%!%(, < + !)+!C);5!W5!!6+!%)'*"'), +%!< ( &0& !(, 0)P,+ '"-!
/,*+')+;! )%!1&%)0&1! "+1!4,+1&+%"'),+!)%!-)>&-.! ',!,44*0! @2"'(0,,/!7&+')-"'),+! )+!4,-1!4-)/"'&%#! '()%!=0,2-&/ !/ );('!2&! "7,)1&1 !2.!
RL Series fans are factory sealed, no additional caulk or other materials are required to inhibit air leakage.
"0&"%! ,'(&0! '("+! >)'4(&+%9! (,<&7&0 9! 3-&B)2-&! +, +/&'"--)4! 1 * 4') + ; ! )%! 0&4,//&+1&1! 3, 0! &"%.! )+%'"--"'),+ ! "+1! 8*)&'& 0! ,=&0"'),+5!
6+%*-"'&1!3-&B)2-&!1*4')+; !)%!\'Y\.]!&%,*++%10%0!)+!4,-1 !4-)/"'&%!',!=0& 7 &+ '!'(&!<"0/!2 " '( 0, , / !")0!30 ,/!3,0/ )+ ; !4,+1&+%"' ),+ !
)+!'(&!1*4')+; !< ( &0 &!)'!)% !&B =, %& 1 !',!4 ,-1 & 0!" '')4!" )05!!
R,!&+%*0&!8*)&'!,=&0"'),+!,3!JDJHLc!AREH!8*"-)3)&1!)+S-)+&!"+1!0&/,'&!3"+%9!&"4( !3"+ !%( " --!2& !)+% '" --&1 !* %)+ ; !%, *+ 1 !"' '&+ * " '),+ !
'&4(+)8*&%!"==0, = 0)"'&!3, 0!'(& !)+%'"--"'), +5!C, 0!2 "'(0 ,, / !"+ 1!; &+ &0" -!7&+ ')-"'),+!" == -)4"'), +%9!"'!-&" %'!h!3&& '!,3!)+%* -"'& 1!3-&B)2 -&!
1*4'!%("--!2&!)+%'"--&1!2&'<&&+!'(&!&B("*%'!,0!%*= =-. !;0)--&@%#!"+ 1 !'(&!3" +5!C, 0!>)'4( &+ !0"+ ;& !(,, 1 !0&/ , '&!7 &+')-"'), +!" == -)4"'), +%9!
R(&!,*'-&'!,3!'(&!3"+!%(,*-1!" -< " . %!2&!1*4'& 1 !',!'(&!,*'%)1& 5!E7,)1 !7&+ ')+ ; !'(&!,*'-&'!,3!'(&!3"+!1)0&4'-. !)+',!"+!"'')4!"0&"5!R(&!
&B4&%%!/,)%'*0&!30,/!'(&!2"'(0,,/!4"+!4"*%&!1"/";&!',!2*)-1)+;!%'0*4'*0&!"+1!"+.!)'&/%!%',0&1!)+!'(&!"'')45!! Q *-')=-&!7&+')+; !
Straight smooth runs of rigid metal ducting will present the least
resistance and maximize system performance. The Equivalent Length of Rigid Metal Ducting resulting in .2” WC pressure
loss for each Fan Model is provided in the specification section of these Instructions. Flexible ducting, if used, must always be as
close to being fully extended as possible. Formed rigid metal duct elbows will present the least resistance and maximize system
performance, recommended bend radius of elbow is at least 1.5 x duct diameter.
C,0!8*)&'&%'!=&03,0/"+4&9!'(&!3"+!%(,*-1!2&!/,*+'&1! 3*0'(&0!"<".! 30,/! '(&! )+-&'!1*4'9!+&"0!'(&! ,*'%)1&!7&+'5!E! / )+)/*/! 1)%'"+4&!
,3!h!3&&'!)%!0&4,//&+ 1 &1 !2& '< && +!'(& !3"+ !,0!R gc !,3!"!/ * -')S )+ '" > &!% .% '& / !" + 1!)+ '" >& !; 0)--& @%#5!
:"4>!10"3'!1"/=&0%!"--,<!")03-,<!)+!,+-.!,+&! 1)0&4'),+!=0&7&+')+;!4,-1g(,'!10"3'%!30,/! &+'&0)+;!'(&! 7&+'&1!"0&"!"+1!/)+)/)P&!
=,%%)2-&!4,+1&+%"'),+!"+1!)4)+;!<)'()+!'(&!%.%'&/!< ()-&!'(&! 3"+! )%! +,'! ,=&0"')+;5!!:"4>!10"3'!1"/ =&0%!"0&! \'Y\.]! &%,*++%10%0! "'!