Thermo Fisher Scientific ViralSEQ Lentivirus Titer Kits User guide

  • Hello! I've reviewed the user guide for the Thermo Fisher ViralSEQ Lentivirus Titer Kits. This document provides detailed instructions for quantifying lentivirus particles and proviral DNA, including sample preparation, PCR setup, and data analysis using AccuSEQ software. The guide includes workflows for both the Physical and Proviral DNA Titer Kits, along with troubleshooting steps. I am ready to help with any specific questions you have.
  • What does the ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit quantify?
    What does the ViralSEQ Lentivirus Proviral DNA Titer Kit quantify?
    What software is recommended for analyzing the results from these kits?
    What sample preparation kit is compatible with the ViralSEQ Lentivirus Titer Kits?
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
ViralSEQ Lentivirus Titer Kits
for use with:
ViralSEQ Lentivirus Proviral DNA Titer Kit
ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit
Catalog NumbersA53561, A53562, A52597, and A52598
Publication Number MAN0026126
Revision B.0
Life Technologies Ltd | 7 Kingsland Grange | Woolston, Warrington WA1 4SR | United Kingdom
The information in this guide is subject to change without notice.
Revision history: Pub. No.MAN0026126
Revision Date Description
B.0 2 September 2022 The ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit was added to the guide,
Updates to the product description. kit contents and storage, and
“Serial dilutions and sample preparation for the ViralSEQ
Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit” on page19
Chapter 4, “Set up, run, and review ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical
Titer Kit experiments”
AppendixB, “Use the ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit with
the 7500 Fast RealTime PCR Instrument and AccuSEQ software
A.0 17 July 2022 New document for the ViralSEQ Lentivirus Proviral DNA Titer Kit
Important Licensing Information: These products may be covered by one or more Limited Use Label Licenses. By use of these
products, you accept the terms and conditions of all applicable Limited Use Label Licenses.
TRADEMARKS: All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified. Vortex-
Genie is a trademark of Scientific Industries. Windows and Excel are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. TaqMan is a registered
trademark of Roche Molecular Systems, Inc., used under permission and license.
©2022 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.
CHAPTER1Productinformation .................................................. 7
Productdescription ............................................................. 7
Contents and storage ............................................................ 8
Required materials notsupplied ................................................. 10
Lentivirus production ........................................................... 13
Kit controls .................................................................... 13
Workflow: ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical TiterKit ................................... 15
Workflow: ViralSEQ Lentivirus Proviral DNA TiterKit ............................... 16
CHAPTER2Prepare reagents and serialdilutions ............................. 17
Prepare the PrepSEQ reagents: before first use of thekit .......................... 17
Magneticbeads ........................................................... 17
BindingSolution ........................................................... 17
Wash Buer Concentrate ................................................... 17
Prepare PrepSEQ reagents: before each use of thekit ............................. 18
Proteinase K (PK)mix ...................................................... 18
Lysissolution ............................................................. 18
Guidelines for optimalyields ..................................................... 19
Serial dilutions and sample preparation for the ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical TiterKit .. 19
Prepare the Lentivirus RNA control serialdilutions ............................. 19
Extraction controlguidelines ................................................ 20
Prepare the extraction/ recovery control (ERC) for the ViralSEQ Lentivirus
Physical TiterKit ......................................................... 21
Triplicate extractions ....................................................... 22
Serial dilutions and sample preparation for the ViralSEQ Lentivirus Proviral DNA
TiterKit ..................................................................... 22
Prepare the Lentivirus DNA control serialdilutions ............................. 22
Extraction controlguidelines ................................................ 24
Prepare the extraction/ recovery control (ERC) for the ViralSEQ Lentivirus
Proviral DNA TiterKit ..................................................... 24
Triplicate extractions ....................................................... 25
ViralSEQ Lentivirus Titer Kits User Guide 3
CHAPTER3Sample extraction with the PrepSEQ Nucleic Acid
Sample PreparationKit ........................................................... 26
Manual protocol for DNA/RNA extraction ......................................... 26
Digest the test samples and controls ......................................... 26
Bind theDNA/RNA ......................................................... 27
Wash theDNA/RNA ........................................................ 27
Elute theDNA/RNA ........................................................ 28
Automated protocol for DNA/RNA extraction ...................................... 29
Before each use of thekit ................................................... 29
Prepare the lysis plate ...................................................... 29
Process samples on theinstrument .......................................... 30
CHAPTER4Set up, run, and review ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical
Titer Kit experiments .............................................................. 31
Treat samples with DNase I, RNasefree(1U/µL) ................................... 32
Prepare the kit reagents and premixsolution ...................................... 33
Prepare the PCR reactions ...................................................... 34
Setup, run, and analyze samples with AccuSEQ Software v3.1 on the
QuantStudio 5Instrument .................................................... 35
Sign in to the AccuSEQ RealTime PCR Software ............................. 35
Create a ViralSEQ template ................................................ 36
Edit the run method and optical filter selection ................................ 39
Assign plate and well attributes .............................................. 40
Load the plate in theinstrument ............................................. 43
Start the run (QuantStudio 5 RealTime PCR Instrument) ...................... 44
Monitor therun ............................................................ 45
Review the results .............................................................. 47
Calculate the titer(VP/mL) .................................................. 49
Analyze the data without AccuSEQ RealTime PCR Software .................. 49
Calculate lentivirus titers from qPCRdata ..................................... 50
CHAPTER5Set up, run, and review ViralSEQ Lentivirus Proviral DNA
Titer Kit experiments .............................................................. 51
Prepare the kit reagents and premixsolution ...................................... 52
Prepare the PCR reactions ...................................................... 52
Setup, run, and analyze samples with AccuSEQ Software v3.1 on the
QuantStudio 5Instrument .................................................... 54
Sign in to the AccuSEQ RealTime PCR Software ............................. 54
Create a ViralSEQ template ................................................ 55
Edit the run method and optical filter selection ................................ 58
Assign plate and well attributes .............................................. 59
Load the plate in theinstrument ............................................. 62
4ViralSEQ Lentivirus Titer Kits User Guide
Start the run (QuantStudio 5 RealTime PCR Instrument) ...................... 63
Monitor therun ............................................................ 64
Review the results .............................................................. 66
Calculate the infectious titer ................................................. 68
Analyze the data without AccuSEQ RealTime PCR Software .................. 68
Calculate provirus copies and lentivirus titers from qPCRdata ................... 69
APPENDIXATroubleshooting .................................................... 70
PrepSEQ sample preparation ................................................... 70
ViralSEQassays .............................................................. 70
APPENDIXBUse the ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit with the
7500 Fast RealTime PCR Instrument and AccuSEQ softwarev2.x ........ 73
Required materials notsupplied ................................................. 73
Plate document:settings ........................................................ 74
Create a plate document in the AccuSEQ software ................................ 74
Run the plate .................................................................. 76
Analyze the results ............................................................. 77
Calculate lentivirus titers from qPCRdata ......................................... 78
APPENDIXCUse the ViralSEQ Lentivirus Proviral DNA Titer Kit with
the 7500 Fast RealTime PCR Instrument and AccuSEQ softwarev2.x .... 79
Required materials notsupplied ................................................. 79
Plate document:settings ........................................................ 80
Create a plate document in the AccuSEQ software ................................ 80
Run the plate .................................................................. 82
Analyze the results ............................................................. 83
Calculate provirus copies and lentivirus titers from qPCRdata ....................... 83
APPENDIXDGood laboratory practices ........................................ 85
Good laboratory practices for PCR and RT-PCR ................................... 85
Good pipetting practices ........................................................ 85
Avoiding false positives due to cross-contamination ................................ 86
Plate layoutsuggestions ........................................................ 86
APPENDIXESafety ............................................................... 87
Chemicalsafety ................................................................ 88
Biological hazardsafety ......................................................... 89
ViralSEQ Lentivirus Titer Kits User Guide 5
APPENDIXFDocumentation and support ...................................... 90
Relateddocumentation ......................................................... 90
Customer and technical support ................................................. 90
Limited product warranty ........................................................ 91
6ViralSEQ Lentivirus Titer Kits User Guide
Product information
Productdescription .................................................................... 7
Contents and storage .................................................................. 8
Required materials notsupplied ........................................................ 10
Lentivirus production ................................................................. 13
Kit controls .......................................................................... 13
Workflow: ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical TiterKit ......................................... 15
Workflow: ViralSEQ Lentivirus Proviral DNA TiterKit ..................................... 16
Product description
The Applied Biosystems ViralSEQ Lentivirus Titer Kits are TaqMan-based, real-time PCR assays
for process development and characterization of lentivirus vectors. The ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical
Titer Kit quantitates the amount of lentivirus in the supernatants of cell-based, bioproduction systems.
The ViralSEQ Lentivirus Proviral DNA Titer Kit quantitates genome copies integrated into cells post-
transduction. Both kits use provided controls to generate standard curves used in quantitation. With
specific quantitation of viral and proviral copy numbers, qPCR data from physical and infectious titers
can be easily compared. Together, the ViralSEQ Lentivirus Titer Kits provide a convenient method to
correlate total and infectious lentiviral particles during process development and optimization.
Both the ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit and the ViralSEQ Lentivirus Proviral DNA Titer Kit
are compatible with the PrepSEQ Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation Kit (Cat.A50485), which oers
both manual and automated sample preparation workflows. For realtime PCR, both kits have been
validated on the Applied Biosystems 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System and the Applied Biosystems
QuantStudio 5 RealTime PCR System. Data analysis is streamlined using AccuSEQ RealTime
PCR Software that provides accurate quantitation. The software has security, audit, and e-signature
capabilities to enable 21 CFR Pt 11 compliance.
The ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit can be used to quantitate viral titers through the
measurement of lentivirus RNA in the supernatants of cell-based production systems.
The ViralSEQ Lentivirus Proviral DNA Titer Kit is used to quantitate the number of proviral copies
incorporated into host cells following transduction.
ViralSEQ Lentivirus Titer Kits User Guide 7
Contents and storage
ViralSEQ Lentivirus Titer Kits
Table1ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit (Cat.No.A52597)
Contents Cap color Amount Storage
Box 1, ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical Titer qPCR Reagents
Physical Titer Assay Mix
Protect from light.
–25°C to –15°C
25 RT-PCR Enzyme Mix
–30°C to –10°C
2 RT-PCR Buer
Nuclease Free Water
1.0mL –25°C to –15°C until first use. After
first use, store at 2–8°C.
Box 2, ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical Titer RNA Control
Physical Titer RNA Control (2 1010
–25°C to –15°C
RNA Dilution Buer Clear bottle 7.0mL
Table2ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit with PrepSEQ Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation Kit
Contents Cat. No. Amount
ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit A52597 1 kit
PrepSEQ Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation Kit A50485 1 kit
DNase I, RNasefree (1U/µL) EN0521 1 kit
Chapter1Product information
Contents and storage
8ViralSEQ Lentivirus Titer Kits User Guide
Table3ViralSEQ Lentivirus Proviral DNA Titer Kit (Cat.No.A53561)
Contents Cap color Amount Storage
Box 1, ViralSEQ Lentivirus Proviral DNA Titer qPCR Reagents
Proviral DNA Titer Assay Mix
Protect from light.
–25°C to –15°C
2 Environmental Master Mix 2.0
2 0.75mL –25°C to –15°C
Nuclease Free Water
1.0mL –25°C to –15°C until first use. After
first use, store at 2–8°C.
Box 2, ViralSEQ Lentivirus Proviral DNA Titer Control
Proviral DNA Titer Control (2108
(Blue) 44µL
–25°C to –15°C
IMPORTANT! Do not store below
DNA Dilution Buer Clear bottle 7.0mL –25°C to –15°C
Table4ViralSEQ Lentivirus Proviral DNA Titer Kit with PrepSEQ Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation
Kit (Cat.No.A53562)
Contents Cat. No. Amount
ViralSEQ Lentivirus Proviral DNA Titer Kit A53561 1 kit
PrepSEQ Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation Kit A50485 1 kit
PrepSEQ Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation Kit (included with Cat.Nos.A52598
and A53562)
Table5PrepSEQ Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation Kit
Contents Amount Storage
Box 1, PrepSEQ Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit
Lysis Buer 2×50mL
Room temperature
Binding Solution (Isopropanol), empty bottle 1
Wash Buer Concentrate 2×26mL
Elution Buer 25mL
Proteinase K (PK) Buer
Can be used for existing validated manual protocols.
Chapter1Product information
Contents and storage 1
ViralSEQ Lentivirus Titer Kits User Guide 9
Table 5 PrepSEQ Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation Kit(continued)
Contents Amount Storage
ProteinaseK (PK) BuerII[1]
Recommended for new manual protocols.
Required for automated protocols.
Room temperature11mL
Box 2, PrepSEQ Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit
Magnetic Particles 2×1.5mL Room temperature
Box 3, PrepSEQ Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit
Proteinase K, 20mg/mL 1.25mL –20°C or below
PrepSEQ Residual DNA Sample Preparation Kit
Proteinase K, 20mg/mL 1.25mL
–20°C or below
Yeast tRNA, 10mg/mL 0.5mL
Glycogen, 5mg/mL 2×1.0mL
[1] Also sold separately (Cat.No.4415320).
Required materials not supplied
Unless otherwise indicated, all materials are available through "MLS" indicates that
the material is available from or another major laboratory supplier.
Catalog numbers that appear as links open the web pages for those products.
Required for the ViralSEQ Lentivirus Titer Kits
Item Source
Real-time PCR Instrument and software
QuantStudio 5 RealTime PCR System with AccuSEQ software v3.1
or later
Contact your local sales
(If using automated sample preparation) KingFisher Flex Purification
System with 96 Deep-Well Head
Microcentrifuge MLS
Laboratory mixer, vortex, or equivalent MLS
Plate centrifuge MLS
VeritiPro 96-well Thermal Cycler A48141
Chapter1Product information
Required materials not supplied
10 ViralSEQ Lentivirus Titer Kits User Guide
Item Source
Disposable gloves MLS
Aerosol-resistant pipette tips MLS
Nuclease-free microcentrifuge tubes MLS
MicroAmp Optical 96-Well Reaction Plate, 0.2 mL 4316813
Consumables for the QuantStudio 5 RealTime PCR System
MicroAmp Fast Optical 96Well Reaction Plate with Barcode, 0.1 mL 4346906
MicroAmp 96-Well Tray/Retainer Set 403081
MicroAmp Optical Adhesive Film 4360954
MicroAmp 96-Well Base N8010531
MicroAmp Adhesive Film Applicator 4333183
Recommended for sample extraction
PrepSEQ Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation Kit[1] A50485
Recommended for DNase treatment (ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit only)
DNase I, RNasefree (1U/µL)[2] EN0521
[1] Included with Cat.Nos.A52598 and A53562.
[2] Included with Cat.No.A52598.
Required for manual sample preparation
Item Source
Magnetic stand, 16-position 12321D
Block heater for use with 2mL tubes.
Manual DNA/RNA extraction involves two incubations at dierent
settings, so two heaters may be convenient.
Benchtop microcentrifuge for 1.5mL and 2mL tubes MLS
Vortex MLS
Chapter1Product information
Required materials not supplied 1
ViralSEQ Lentivirus Titer Kits User Guide 11
Item Source
Vortex Adapter-60, for use with the Vortex-GenieAM10014
Disposable gloves MLS
Aerosol-resistant micropipette tips MLS
Pipettors, P1000, P200, P20 and P10:
Nonstick, RNase-free Microfuge Tubes, 1.5mL (1 box; 250 tubes/box) AM12450
Safe-Lock Tube, 2.0mL VWR 62111-754
Ethanol, 95%
IMPORTANT! Do not use denatured ethanol. It contains components
that are not compatible with the protocol.
Isopropanol, 100% MLS
1X PBS (free of Mg and Ca) MLS
Required for automated sample preparation
Table6Pharma KingFisher Flex Purification System with 96 Deep-Well Head (Cat.No.A31508)
Item Source
Pharma KingFisher Flex 96 Deep-Well Tip Combs A43074
Pharma KingFisher Flex 96 Deep-Well Plates A43075
Pharma KingFisher Flex Magnetic Head for 96 Deep-Well Plate A31542
Pharma MagMAX 96 PCR Well Magnetic Head 4472991
Pharma KingFisher Flex 96 Standard Plate A43076
(Optional) Pharma Magnetic Stand-96 A31543
Chapter1Product information
Required materials not supplied
12 ViralSEQ Lentivirus Titer Kits User Guide
Table7Additional materials
Item Source
Disposable gloves MLS
Aerosol-resistant micropipette tips MLS
Pipettors, P1000, P200, P20 and P10:
Nonstick, RNase-free Microfuge Tubes, 1.5mL (1 box; 250 tubes/box) AM12450
Ethanol, 95%
IMPORTANT! Do not use denatured ethanol. It contains components
that are not compatible with the protocol.
Isopropanol, 100% MLS
1X PBS (free of Mg and Ca) MLS
Lentivirus production
The ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit is used to quantitate viral particles produced using cell-
based systems. We recommend using the LV-MAX Lentiviral Production System (Cat.No. A35684) to
produce high titer lentiviral vectors. The system is based on the transient transfection of high-density,
suspension HEK293F cells adapted to a chemically defined, serum-free and protein free medium. For
more information, see the LV-MAX Lentiviral Production System User Guide (Pub.No.MAN0017000).
Kit controls
Table8ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit
Control Use
Internal Positive Control (IPC)
(Included in the Physical Titer Assay Mix)
Lack of amplification Indicates PCR inhibition.
Physical Titer RNA Control (2 1010 copies/µL) Amplification indicates that the PCR was successful.
Negative control (RNA Dilution Buer) Amplification indicates contamination.
Chapter1Product information
Lentivirus production 1
ViralSEQ Lentivirus Titer Kits User Guide 13
Table9ViralSEQ Lentivirus Proviral DNA Titer Kit
Control Use
Internal Positive Control (IPC)
(Included in the Proviral DNA Titer Assay Mix)
Lack of amplification Indicates PCR inhibition.
Proviral DNA Titer Control (2108 copies/µL) Amplification indicates that the PCR was successful.
Negative control (DNA Dilution Buer) Amplification indicates contamination.
Chapter1Product information
Kit controls
14 ViralSEQ Lentivirus Titer Kits User Guide
Workflow: ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit
ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit Workflow
Produce lentivirus with the
LV-MAX Lentiviral Production
Prepare reagents and serial
Sample extraction with the
PrepSEQ Nucleic Acid Sample
Preparation Kit
Treat samples with DNase I,
RNasefree (1U/µL)
Prepare the PCR reactions
Start the run (QuantStudio 5
RealTime PCR Instrument)
Review the results
Chapter1Product information
Workflow: ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit 1
ViralSEQ Lentivirus Titer Kits User Guide 15
Workflow: ViralSEQ Lentivirus Proviral DNA Titer Kit
ViralSEQ Lentivirus Proviral DNA Titer Kit Workflow
Lentivirus transduction of target
Prepare reagents and serial
Sample extraction with the
PrepSEQ Nucleic Acid Sample
Preparation Kit
Prepare the PCR reactions
Start the run (QuantStudio 5
RealTime PCR Instrument)
Review the results
Chapter1Product information
Workflow: ViralSEQ Lentivirus Proviral DNA Titer Kit
16 ViralSEQ Lentivirus Titer Kits User Guide
Prepare reagents and serial dilutions
Prepare the PrepSEQ reagents: before first use of thekit ................................ 17
Prepare PrepSEQ reagents: before each use of thekit ................................... 18
Guidelines for optimalyields ........................................................... 19
Serial dilutions and sample preparation for the ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical TiterKit ........ 19
Serial dilutions and sample preparation for the ViralSEQ Lentivirus Proviral DNA TiterKit ..... 22
We recommend using the PrepSEQ Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation Kit (Cat.No.A50485) for sample
preparation. The kit uses chemical lysis and magnetic beads to extract nucleic acid from recombinant
lentiviruses and integrated proviruses.
Prepare the PrepSEQ reagents: before first use of the kit
Magnetic beads
1. Set a block heater to 37°C.
2. Incubate the Magnetic Particle suspension at 37°C for a minimum of 10 minutes with intermittent
vortexing at 900 rpm, or until the particles are completely suspended.
Binding Solution
1. Add 45 mL of 100% isopropanol to the Binding Solution bottle.
2. Label the bottle to indicate that it contains isopropanol, then store the bottle at room temperature.
Wash Buer Concentrate
1. Add 74 mL of 95% ethanol to one bottle of PrepSEQ Wash Buer Concentrate, then mix
2. Label the bottle to indicate that it contains ethanol, then store the bottle at room temperature.
ViralSEQ Lentivirus Titer Kits User Guide 17
Prepare PrepSEQ reagents: before each use of the kit
Proteinase K (PK) mix
Use ProteinaseK (PK) BuerII for all protocols.
Note: Proteinase K (PK) Buer is provided in the kit for use by laboratories that had previously
validated with this buer. If required, use exactly as described for ProteinaseK (PK) BuerII.
Prepare a fresh mix before each use of the kit.
Include a 10% overage to account for pipetting losses.
Number of extractions
1 7 10 13 25
Proteinase K, 20mg/mL 10μL 70μL 100μL 130μL 250μL
ProteinaseK (PK) BuerII 60μL 420μL 600μL 780μL 1,500μL
Lysis solution
Prepare a fresh mixture immediately before use or during Proteinase K incubation.
Prepare 360 µL (amount required) of lysis solution mix per sample.
Reagent Volume for 1 extraction Volume for ~20 extractions
Glycogen, 5mg/mL 8.32µL 180µL
Yeast tRNA, 10mg/mL 0.18µL 4µL
Lysis Buer 351.5µL 7,600µL
Total 360µL 7,784µL
Chapter2Prepare reagents and serial dilutions
Prepare PrepSEQ reagents: before each use of the kit
18 ViralSEQ Lentivirus Titer Kits User Guide
Guidelines for optimal yields
Maintain a homogenous suspension of the magnetic beads to maximize the surface area to which
the DNA/RNA can bind. The appearance of the mixture should be homogenous after mixing.
After drying, the DNA/RNA remains bound to the magnetic beads. Do not allow the magnetic
beads to over-dry because this reduces the elution eciency; over-dried beads are not easily
During manual elution, vortex every 2 minutes to assist elution. This will result in better yield during
Note: Some test samples cause the beads to adhere very firmly to the tube wall, while others form
loose pellets that detach during the vortex steps. All pellets should dissolve with vortexing during
heated elution. If vortexing does not result in full resuspension, then wash the beads o the tube by
Note: White or brown precipitate may form in the Magnetic Particles tube if it is stored at 2–8°C.
The precipitate will dissolve when it is heated to 37°C for a minimum of 10 minutes with intermittent
vortexing. Make sure the precipitate is completely dissolved before using the beads.
Serial dilutions and sample preparation for the ViralSEQ
Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit
Collect lentivirus particles for RNA extraction and sample preparation. For test samples that contain
levels of RNA above the highest point of the assay standard curve (109 copies per reaction), dilute these
samples (from 1:100 up to 1:10,000) with a solution of 1 X PBS (free of Mg and Ca) or 50 mM Tris, pH
8.0, 0.5 M NaCl.
Note: Use sample dilution buer as the negative extraction control or dilute extracted RNA with elution
buer before running the PCR reaction. Diluting samples in water or TE reduces extraction eciency.
Prepare the Lentivirus RNA control serial dilutions
Guidelines for standard dilutions
Prepare the standard curve and the test samples in dierent areas of the lab.
Use dierent sets of pipettors for test sample preparation and for standard curve preparation and
aliquoting to avoid cross-contamination of test samples.
Chapter2Prepare reagents and serial dilutions
Guidelines for optimal yields 2
ViralSEQ Lentivirus Titer Kits User Guide 19
Prepare the serial dilutions
Thaw the Physical Titer RNA Control (2 1010 copies/µL) on ice. Vortex at medium speed for 5
seconds, briefly centrifuge, then place on ice until use.
1. Label nonstick 1.5mL microfuge tubes: NTC, SD1, SD2, SD3, SD4, SD5, and SD6 [used for limit
of detection (LOD)].
2. Add 35µL of RNA Dilution Buer (RDB) to the NTC (no template control) tube. Place the tube on
3. Perform the serial dilutions.
When dispensing RNA, pipette up and down gently. After each transfer, vortex for 7 seconds, then
centrifuge briefly.
Table10Standard curve dilutions (ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit)
Serial dilution (SD)
tube Dilution Dilution
Copies/ PCR reaction
(5μL of diluted RNA)
SD1 5μL RNA control + 495μL RDB 100 1.00E+09
SD2 5μL SD1 + 495μL RDB 100 1.00E+07
SD3 5μL SD2 + 495μL RDB 100 1.00E+05
SD4 5μL SD3 + 495μL RDB 100 1,000
SD5 10μL SD4 + 190μL RDB 20 50
SD6 (LOD) 40μL SD5 + 160μL RDB 5 10
Store the standard curve dilution tubes at 4°C or on ice. Use the dilutions within 6 hours for RT-qPCR.
Extraction control guidelines
We recommend that you use the following extraction controls:
Type of control Contains Number to run Used to
Negative (NEG)[1] 1X PBS (free of Mg and Ca) 1 per batch of
To monitor for contamination of the
extraction reagents.
Extraction/recovery (ERC) Positive control from the kit 3 per sample Evaluate the eciency of DNA
or RNA extraction, recovery,
and quantification from test
Verify reagent and system
[1] Optional during routine testing.
Chapter2Prepare reagents and serial dilutions
Serial dilutions and sample preparation for the ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit
20 ViralSEQ Lentivirus Titer Kits User Guide