03/2008, version 1.0 1.1
Pooling Algorithms 1
The cobas s 201 system offers the flexibility of testing single donor samples
or combining aliquots from multiple samples and testing the samples in
pools of 6.
The selected pooling method depends on the analyte being tested and the
population of samples under test.
Primary Pooling
The following Primary Pooling options are available for small pools:
• Primary Pools of 1: Single-specimen pools to test donor samples
for the WNV target
• Primary Pools of 6: Six-specimen pools to test donor samples for
for the WNV target
Secondary Pooling
Follow-up (secondary) testing is required if initial (primary) testing on a
multi-specimen pool is reactive or if a test result is invalid. The following
Secondary Pooling options are available:
• Repeat Pools of 6: Six-specimen pools to retest donors from
Primary Pools of 6 with testing results that are invalid
• Resolution Pooling: Single-specimen pools to individually test
samples from invalid or reactive pools