In 1962, Topps created a trading card set
telling the story of a brutal alien invasion
and Earth’s heroic resistance. The Mars
Attacks series was so full of violence, gore,
and implied alien naughtiness that parents
rose up in outrage and the cards were
Fast forward
to 2013. The
kids of 1962 are
the grandparents of
today. And you know what?
They love Mars Attacks!, and so do
their kids and grandkids. So the Martians
are back. But Earth will triumph again!
And it gives us great and wicked joy to
bring the Martian invasion into the world
of Munchkin, so you can kill them and
take their stuff. Please enjoy . . . Munchkin
Apocalypse: Mars Attacks!
Designed by Steve Jackson
Chief Operating Officer: Philip Reed
Munchkin Czar: Andrew Hackard
Munchkin Hireling: Devin Lewis
Production Manager: Samuel Mitschke
Production Artist: Gabby Ruenes
Prepress Checker: Monica Stephens
Marketing Director: Leonard Balsera
Director of Sales: Ross Jepson
Munchkin Apocalypse: Mars Attacks! game is copyright
© 2014 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. Munchkin,
the Munchkin character, Warehouse 23, e23, the all-seeing
pyramid, and the names of all products published by Steve
Jackson Games Incorporated are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated,
or used under license.
Mars Attacks is © The Topps Company, Inc. All Rights
Reserved. Mars Attacks and Topps are registered trademarks
of The Topps Company, Inc. Mars Attacks and Topps related
logos, characters, names are the intellectual property of
The Topps Company Inc. and used herein under license with
Steve Jackson Games Incorporated.
Playtesters: David Arlund, Keith Blackard,
Eric Dow, Richard Kerr, Franklin Lee,
Devin Lewis, Monica Stephens, Susie Stephenson,
Roy Valiants Jr., James Vicari, and Ben Williams.
Dedicated to Dragomyr the Cossack, mundanely
known as Joe Vail. A friend, a comrade in arms,
and a very silly man.