Game Design by Steve Jackson • Illustrated by Greg Hyland
Evil suggestions by Monica Stephens • Graphic Design by Kellar Hall
Chief Operating Officer: Philip Reed
Munchkin Czar: Andrew Hackard • Munchkin Hireling: Devin Lewis
Production Manager: Samuel Mitschke • Prepress Checker: Miranda Horner
Marketing Director: Leonard Balsera • Director of Sales: Ross Jepson
Thanks to David Morgan-Mar for suggesting the title, and to the playtest munchkins:
Andrew Hackard, Jan Hendriks, Jeff Johannigman, Fade Manley, Micah Rimel,
Giles Schildt, Monica Stephens, Loren Wiseman, and Erik Zane.
Munchkin, Munchkin Fu, Monky Business, the Munchkin characters,
Warehouse 23, the all-seeing pyramid, and the names of all products published
by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated are trademarks or registered trademarks
of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated, or used under license. Munchkin Fu 2 –
Monky Business is copyright © 2005, 2007, 2010, 2014 by Steve Jackson Games
Incorporated. All rights reserved. Rules version 1.6 (July 2014).
Item Enhancers
Some cards are Item Enhancers. ese must be played
on an Item you already have in play; they cannot be played
by themselves. ey add to the combat bonus of the Item
or give the Item new abilities. You cannot move an Item
Enhancer to a new Item once you have played it.
Munchkin comes in lots of fl avors! You can get
classic fantasy, sci-fi , superheroes, pirates, cowboys, the
apocalypse, and zombies . . . and they’re all compatible!
Visit worldofmunchkin.com for errata, updates,
Q&A, and much more. To discuss Munchkin with our
staff and your fellow munchkins, visit our forums at
forums.sjgames.com. Check out worldofmunchkin.
com/resources.html for reference cards, play mats,
and dozens of links.
All the Munchkin games should be available at
your local game or comic store – fi nd it using our Store
Finder, gamerfi nder.sjgames.com – but if you don’t
have a local store, we’ll be happy to sell them directly to
you at warehouse23.com. Warehouse 23 also includes
our PDF store, with free Munchkin accessories and
rules (including Epic Munchkin and the Munchkin
Tournament Rules)!
Twitter. Our Twitter feed often has Munchkin news
(or bonus rules!): twitter.com/SJGames.
Facebook. Connect with other fans on our pages for
Munchkin (facebook.com/sjgames.munchkin) and
Steve Jackson Games (facebook.com/sjgames).
For more information about this Munchkin game,
go to worldofmunchkin.com/monkybusiness.
The icon for this set is
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