Setup Network
Cisco Small Business RV320/RV325 Administration Guide 19
To configure WAN Connection Settings, select a WAN interface and click Edit.
WAN Connection Settings appears.
Select the WAN Connection Type from the menu and modify the related
parameters as described in these sections:
Obtain an IP Automatically
Choose this option if your ISP dynamically assigns an IP address to the device.
(Most cable modem subscribers use this connection type.) The ISP assigns the
device IP address for this port, including the DNS server IP addresses.
To specify a DNS server, check Use the Following DNS Server Addresses and
enter the IP address of DNS Server 1. Optionally, you can enter a second DNS
server. The first available DNS server is used.
To set the maximum transmission unit (MTU) size automatically, select Auto.
Otherwise, to set the MTU size manually, select Manual and enter the MTU size.
(The size in bytes of the largest protocol data unit that the layer can pass.)
To configure the IPv6 parameters, check Enable. The DHCPv6 client process and
requests for prefix delegation through the selected interface are enabled. Use this
option when your ISP is capable of sending LAN prefixes by using DHCPv6. If your
ISP does not support this option, manually configure a LAN prefix:
NOTE When DHCP-PD is enabled, manual LAN IPv6 addressing is disabled. When DHCP-
PD is disabled, manual LAN IPv6 addressing is enabled.
• LAN IPv6 Address—Global IPv6 prefix that was assigned by your ISP for
your LAN devices, if applicable. (Check with your ISP for more information.)
• Prefix Length—IPv6 prefix length: The IPv6 network (subnet) is identified
by the initial bits of the address called the prefix. All hosts in the network
have the identical initial bits for their IPv6 address. Enter the number of
common initial bits in the network addresses. The default prefix length is 64.
• LAN Prefix Assignment:
- Without any action—Does not provide Stateless or Stateful IPv6
address for LAN-side PCs.
- Configure to RA automatically—Provides Stateless IPv6 address for
LAN-side PCs.
- Configure to DHCPv6 automatically—Provides Stateful IPv6 address
for LAN-side PCs.