20 Kmstrup A/S • 55121391_C2_GB_03.2018
M-Bus Mster MultiPort 250L
4.3.3 Exmples of network sizes
The below-mentioned tbles show exmples of possible network sizes with different cble configurtions. Ech
connected repeter increses the possible cble length by the below-mentioned lengths.
Cble type 0.34 mm2 (56 Ohm/110 nF)
Speed / Number of meters 10 50 150 250
300 Bud 10,000 m 2,000 m 700 m 400 m
2400 Bud 4,000 m 2,000 m 700 m 400 m
9600 Bud 2,000 m 2,000 m 700 m 400 m
Possible cble lengths with ll meters plced t the end of the cble network.
Speed / Number of meters 10 50 150 250
300 Bud 10,000 m 3,500 m 1,200 m 700 m
2400 Bud 7,000 m 3,500 m 1,200 m 700 m
9600 Bud 3,500 m 3,500 m 1,200 m 700 m
Possible cble lengths with meters evenly distributed in the cble network.
Cble type 1.5 mm2 (12 Ohm/110 nF)
Speed / Number of meters 10 50 150 250
300 Bud 10,000 m 8,000 m 2,800 m 1,600 m
2400 Bud 10,000 m 8,000 m 2,800 m 1,600 m
9600 Bud 3,500 m 3,500 m 2,800 m 1,600 m
Possible cble lengths with ll meters plced t the end of the cble network.
Speed / Number of meters 10 50 150 250
300 Bud 10,000 m 10,000 m 4,800 m 2,800 m
2400 Bud 10,000 m 10,000 m 4,800 m 2,800 m
9600 Bud 6,500 m 6,500 m 4,800 m 2,800 m
Possible cble lengths with meters evenly distributed in the cble network.