B y alternately loosening rotary knobs 1, 2, 3 and 4 – as in Figure V III – you can position your
cam era in front of the eyepiece in such a w ay that the optical axis of the eyepiece corresponds
w ith that of the cam era lens and the display detail you are aim ing at appears on the display or in
the view finder.
C lam p screw s 1 and 2 are for adjusting height, clam p screw 3 is for distance and clam p screw 4
for the left/right adjustm ent of the cam era casing.
Tighten clam p screw s 1, 2, 3 and 4 w hen you have found the detail you are looking for.
To centre and focus the targeted object in the telescope, sw ivel the cam era aw ay from the
eyepiece, as show n in Figures IX and X . To do so, loosen rotary knob 2 and turn the cam era
bracket slightly to the left.
The resting points are particularly helpful. They also ensure that the cam era can be brought
back into the exact sam e position in front of the eyepiece.
O nce you have taken your pictures w ith the B aader D igiscoping-A dapter M icroS tage II, you put
it back into its hom e position and store it aw ay in the space-saving soft leather pouch.
C S 4
C S 2
C S 5
C S 1
C S 3