Waveform Group (AC)
This group allows you to control in real time some basic aspects of how the amplitude and frequency
content of a patch changes over time, according to the ADSR (Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release)
waveform model. For these parameters, setting a fader position at center will give the factory default
value (40h) for each patch.
NOTE: The ADR portion of the Waveform Group can be used to control external
synthesizers which conform to the Roland GS standard; for example, the Edirol
Fader 1: ATTACK: NRPN 01h 63h Modify the attack or initial onset portion of the waveform. A
minimum value gives an immediate onset, increasing the percussiveness of a sound, useful for quick,
rhythmic playing. A maximum value gives the equivalent of a slow crescendo to every note, useful for
slower, more expressive playing.
Fader 2: DECAY: NRPN 01h 64h Modify the decay portion of the waveform. The decay directly
follows the attack, before the sustaining sound is reached. A minimum value allows the attack portion
to immediately proceed to the sustaining sound. A maximum value may add a slight swelling effect
immediately following the attack, or a slight decrescendo preceeding the sustaining sound, or a
combination of these effects.
Fader 3: RELEASE: NRPN 01h 66h Modify the release or final portion of the waveform. A minimum
value results in immediate cutoff of the sustaining sound once a key is lifted. A maximum value allows
the sustaining sound to continue, gradually reducing in loudness until it is finished.
NOTE: high release values may cause unwanted pitch bending effects from the
internal synthesizer or external Roland GS module.
Fader 4: RESONANCE: NRPN 01h 21h modify the harmonic content of a patch during its sustain by
varying the level of a TVF (Time Variant Filter). This resonance can be thought of as the maximum
amplitude of a band pass filter which changes over time, whose cutoff frequency is determined by
fader 4 of the Equalizer Group. A minimum value results in a static sustain, while a maximum value
results in dynamic alterations of harmonic content during the sustain.