• property damage or persona/injury.
• Check with your state and local public works
depamnent for plumbing and sanitation codes.
You must ff}llow these guidelines _s you install the
Revexse Osmosis system. Using a qualified instal/or
is recommended.
• If house water pressure is over the rnaxiI-ntm]
(120 pounds per square inch), install a pressure
reducing valve in tile water supply line to tile
Reverse Osmosis system.
• Be sure the water suppl)' confbmls with the
SpecificationGuidelines.If tile water suppl)' conditions
axe unknown, contact your municipal water company
or your local health department for a list of
contaminan ts ill your area and a list of laboratories
certified by your state to analyze drinking x_ater
WARNIN&Bef .eusingtileRe,'e,seOsmosis
system for tile first time, tile system must be
purged. The Reverse Osmosis camidge contains
a food grade preservative that m ust be purged
flom the system. The presets,alive will give product
water an unpleasant taste and odor
WARNING:Do.or usewithwateithatis
nlicrobiologica/ly unsafe or of unknown quality
without adequate disinfection before or after file
systenl. Sysmms cerdfied for O,st reduction may
be used on disinfected water that nlay contain
filmrable cysts.
This system ll_k',;been tested for file treamlent of
water cont_dning pentavalent aisenic (a/so hlown
_ksAs(V), As(+5) or aIsenate) at concenm_tions
of 0.050 mg/L or less. This system reduces
penmva/ent aisenic, N_t mW not renlove oilier
fbrnls of msenic. This sysmm is to be used on wamr
supplies containing a demctable fiee chlonne
residuN or on wamr supplies that have been
dem(mstrated to contain only penmva/ent msenic.
Treatment with chloramine (.combined chlonne)
is not sufi_icientto ensure conlplete conversion of
t]iva/ent aisenic to penmva/ent arsenic. Please see
the Arsenic Facts section of the Perfbmlance Data
Sheet for fi_rther infbrInation.
This reverse osmosis system contains a replaceable
component cddca/to effidency of tile sysmm.
Replacement of tile reverse osnlosis component
should be with one of identical spedfications, as
defined by the nlanufilcmre_; to _L%tne tile stone
effidency and contaminant reduction perfbmlance.
This Reverse Osmosis system must be properly installed and located in accordance with the
Installation Instructions before it is used.
• Install or store where it will not be exposed to InstaUing a second tank will improve this
temperatures below fieezing or exposed to any _pe perfomlance. An RVKIT call be used.
of weatheL _tei fleezing in tlle system will • If Rex'else Osmosis system is connected to a
damage it. Do not attempt to treat water over 100°E refligerator icemake[; a special icemaker
• Do not install on NOT WATER.Tile temperature connection kit is required (RVKIT). Do not use
of tile water supply to tile Rex'else Osmosis system copper tubing for tile connection between tile
illtlSt be between tile nlininmnl of 40°F and tile _ Reverse Osnlosis syste[I1 and tile refligelv_toi.
illaxililtni1 of 100°E See tile
IL WARNING:Discard all unttsed pmts mid packaging
• Extended non-use ofthe Reverse Osmosis system, material mCterinstallation. Small parts remaining Jter
If die system has not been used for one week or
more, open tile RO wamr faucet and allow the
system to drahl. Close tile RO water faucet and
allow tile sysmnl m regenerate tile wamr supply:
• Recommended instaUation is under tile sink.
Howevei; tile unit call be instaUed in a relnom
location, up m 20 feet away flom tile sink.
• HoweveI; additional mamrials will be required,
including additional robing and exmnsion
phone cable. This exmnoon phone cable
Illtlst be 6 conductor wire and connecmls;
l),pi(_d4 conductor wire will not work. See parts
list m obtain additional mamfials flom GE.
• I,ocating the rank on a b_ksement tool; with the
faucet at a filStfloor sink may result ill some loss
of flow rate and capad b, (approxinlately 20%).
file instaUationcould be a dloke haaud.
• Sanitize upon installation of the Rex'else Osmosis
system and _ffterselwicing inner parts, in dudin g
replacement of prefiltei; posdilter and Reverse
Osmosis cartridge. It is important to have clean
hands while handling inner parts of the system.
See tile SanitizingtheReverseOsmosisSystemsection.
• This Reverse Osmosis system contains a replaceable
treatment component critical for eff)ctive
reduction of total dissoked solids. This product
water shall be tested periodically to veal6' that the
system is performing satisfactorily See tile About
the Water Test Kitsection.