■APPENDIXBAlternative procedures to set up a template .................... 86
Set up a custom experiment ..................................................... 86
Custom experiments overview .............................................. 86
Set up a custom experiment in the software ................................... 87
Assign samples using a sample definitionfile ...................................... 88
About sample definitionfiles ................................................ 88
Create a sample definitionfile ............................................... 88
Import sample information from a sample definitionfile ......................... 89
Assign samples and targets using plate setupfiles ................................. 89
About plate setup files..................................................... 89
Import plate setupdata ..................................................... 89
Assign targets, samples, and biological replicate groups from an XLSfile ............. 90
Create new EDT files using existing EDT and EDSfiles .............................. 91
About experiment templates ................................................ 91
■APPENDIXCDetailed procedures to create or edit amethod ................ 92
Adjust method parameters ...................................................... 92
Set up advanced temperature zones (AutoDelta and VeriFlex™ Zones) ................ 93
Add or adjust a pause step ...................................................... 94
Select opticalfilters ............................................................ 94
Edit the ramp increment for the melt curve dissociation step ........................ 95
■APPENDIXDDetailed procedures to set up plate / well details
and libraries ........................................................................ 96
Assign well attributes (Quick Setupsubtab) ....................................... 96
Define and assign well attributes (Advanced Setupsubtab) .......................... 96
Assign a task towells ........................................................... 97
Detection tasks for targets and SNPassays ................................... 97
Define and set up standarddilutions .............................................. 98
Assign the standard dilutionsmanually ....................................... 99
Define and assign biological replicate groups ...................................... 99
Sample, target, and SNP assay libraries .......................................... 99
Libraries overview ......................................................... 99
Apply a filter to search a library ............................................. 100
Define samples in the Samplestable ........................................ 101
Define targets in the Targetstable .......................................... 102
Define SNP assays in the SNPAssaystable ................................. 103
QuantStudio™ Design and Analysis Desktop Software User Guide 7