MultiFRAD II Quick Start Guide
Welcome to Multi-Tech's new MultiFRAD II™, model FR2201, a
Router/ Two-Port Frame Relay Access Device (FRAD) that
encapsulates non-packetized data streams from serial and LAN
devices into frame relay frames and frames that data with header and
trailer information prior to sending it to a frame relay network. The
MultiFRAD enables non-frame relay devices to connect to a
common carrier frame relay network service or private frame relay
network. The FR2201 is designed with channels to two non-frame
relay devices, an Ethernet LAN connection for IP or IPX routing or
bridging, and a trunk interface to a Frame Relay network. On the
receiving end of the communication, the MultiFRAD strips away the
frame relay control information so the target device receives the data
packaged in its original form.
Since frame relay networks use shared resources, they typically
are more reliable and less expensive per month than equivalent
leased lines. Depending on the location and distances between
points, simple point-to-point networks can cost less per month than
leased lines. The cost savings are even greater when multiple
leased lines are replaced with frame relay.
The FR2201 has two data ports for Data Terminal Equipment
(DTE) devices that are either asynchronous or HDLC
synchronous. A single Ethernet LAN connection is provided for IP
or IPX routing and Media Access Control (MAC) layer bridging for
all other protocols on either a 10Base-T or AUI port connection.
The trunk connection provides the link to a synchronous Data
Communications Equipment (DCE) device for access to the Frame
Relay network.
Figure 1. MultiFRAD II