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Cooper Bussmann 915U-2 Wireless Mesh I/O and Gateway User Manual
Rev Version 1.2.3
Chapter 1 - INTRODUCTION ...................8
1.1 Overview ...............................8
1.2 Module Structure .........................9
1.3 Getting Started .........................10
Chapter 2 - INSTALLATION ...................11
2.1 General ................................11
2.2 Power/Supply ..........................11
Requirements ............................11
Expansion I/O Supply .....................12
Internal I/O .............................13
Grounding ..............................13
2.3 Radio .................................14
900 MHz Spread Spectrum Radio ............14
869 MHz Fixed Frequency Radio ............14
Meshing Capability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.4 Antenna ...............................15
Dipole and Collinear Antennas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Yagi Antennas ...........................17
2.5 Connections ............................18
Bottom Panel Connections .................18
Ethernet Port .......................18
USB Device Port for Configuration ......18
RS-232 Port ........................19
RS-485 port with Modbus Support ......19
Side Access Configuration Panel ............20
Factory Boot Switch .................20
USB Host Port ......................20
DIP Switches .......................20
Front Panel Connections ...................21
Digital or Pulsed Inputs ....................21
Digital Outputs (Pulsed Outputs) .............22
Digital Output Fail-safe Status .........23
Analog Inputs ............................23
Differential Current Inputs .............24
Voltage Inputs ......................26
Analog Outputs ..........................26
Chapter 3 - OPERATION .....................27
3.1 Overview ..............................27
3.2 LED Indicators ..........................27
Front Panel Indicators .....................27
LED Boot Sequence .......................27
Input and Output Indicators .................28
Digital Inputs .......................28
Digital Outputs ......................28
Analog Inputs .......................28
Analog Outputs .....................28
Ethernet LED Indicators ....................28
3.3 System Design ..........................29
Radio Channel Capacity ...................29
Dual Band Operation ......................29
Radio Path Reliability ......................29
Design for Failures ........................30
Indicating a Communications Problem ........30
WIBNet Communication Registers ...........31
Testing and Commissioning ................31
3.4 WIBMesh ..............................31
Chapter 4 - CONFIGURATION .................32
4.1 Connecting to the Module .................32
4.2 MConfig Utility ..........................34
Downloading and Installing MConfig ..........34
Starting MConfig .........................35
Project Screen ......................36
Adding Units to a Project ...................37
Displaying the IP Address List ...............40
Editing Module IP Addresses ................41
Mappings ...............................42
Adding or Editing Mapping Parameters ..43
Startup or Force Configuration .........45
Address Map .......................46
Common I/O Registers for the 915U-2 ...47
I/O Configuration .........................47
Digital Inputs .......................47
Digital Outputs ......................48
Pulsed Outputs .....................49
Analog Inputs .......................49
Analog Outputs .....................51
Adding Expansion I/O Modules ..............52
115S Expansion I/O Memory Map ......52
Adding an Expansion I/O to MConfig ....53
Fail-safe Blocks ..........................53
Invalid Register State .................55
Sensitivity Blocks .........................55
Serial Configuration .......................56
Modbus RTU Master ................57
Serial Expansion I/O .................58
Serial Modbus RTU Slave .............59
Modbus Configuration .....................59
Modbus TCP Server and RTU Slave Tab .60
Modbus TCP Client and RTU Master Tab 61
Adding Mapping Parameters ...........61
Modbus TCP Mapping Examples .......62
Modbus RTU Master ................63
RS-232/RS-485 Modbus Parameters ....64
4.3 Web-Based Configuration Utility ............65
Connecting and Logging On ................65
Mesh Parameters .........................66
Neighbor RSSI Configuration ................67
IP Routing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68