Ingal Civil Products
page 5
Release 002
5.4 Installation of Anchor Blocks
1. Excavate the anchor hole in accordance with Ingal
drawings ensuring the centre of the anchor block is in
line with the centre line of the wire rope fence.
2. If installing the rectangular anchor block, clip out several
grids of the reomesh square to fi t over the anchor
3. Attach 3 off M20 x 550mm hook bolts to the base of
the anchor bracket using 2 off M20 nuts per hook bolt.
One M20 nut is used either side of the anchor bracket to
secure each hook bolt
4. Using formwork, suspend the anchor bracket and
reomesh (if required), ensuring the anchor bracket
leveling plate is at the same longitudinal grade as the
roadway. The position of the anchor bracket is to be in
accordance with Ingal drawings.
5. To prevent fl oatation or dislodgement during the concrete
pour, drive a shortened star picket into the base of the
excavation and use tie wire to secure the bracket.
6. Pour concrete into excavation and vibrate. Ensure that
anchor bracket has remained secure.
7. Trowel surface of the anchor block and shape in
accordance with Ingal drawings.
8. If installing the Type 2 anchor block, back fi ll material
should satisfy the requirements as per Ingal drawings.
5.5 Construction of Post Footings
1. Establish post spacing in accordance with expected
dynamic defl ections and excavate postholes. Typically
the footings are 300mm diameter x 600mm deep using
32Mpa concrete.
2. Pour concrete into each hole.
3. Insert sigma post into plastic HDPE sleeve.
4. Push the sigma post and plastic HDPE sleeve into
the wet concrete so that the top of the plastic sleeve is
at pavement level. Ensure the sigma post is vertical
and 780 ± 25mm above ground level. The posts are
orientated so that the smooth face is towards the traffi c
5. Insert post footing reinforcement to a depth of 50mm and
shape top of footing to shed rainwater
5.6 Assembly Sequence – 4 Rope TL3
1. Slide ground covers over each post.
2. Starting at the leading or high end of the fence, connect
the bottom wire rope to the anchor using a temporary
anchor connection and run out the wire through the post
slots to the far anchor and cut the rope to length. When
a reel is depleted, attach the end to the next reel by tying
the cables together and continue to run out the cable.
3. Insert the plastic spreaders into the post slots.
4. Repeat these procedures with subsequent wire ropes.
Ensure stainless frames are inserted between top two
5. When all ropes have been installed, fi t the plastic caps
to the posts. Post grommets can be inserted into the
pre-punched hole located in the top of the post prior to
the placement of the cap to provide extra resistance to
vehicle updraft and wind.
5.7 Assembly Sequence – 3 Rope TL4
1. A reinforcement sleeve is inserted into each post. The
post reinforcement will come to rest within the post
sleeve at the correct position.
2. Starting at the leading or high end of the fence, connect
the bottom wire rope to the anchor using a temporary
anchor connection and run out the wire through the post
slots to the far anchor and cut the rope to length. When
a reel is depleted, attach the end to the next reel by tying
the cables together and continue to run out the cable.
3. Insert the plastic spreaders into the post slots.
4. Repeat these procedures with subsequent wire ropes.
Ensure stainless frames are inserted between top two
Flexfence Pro Man.indd 5Flexfence Pro Man.indd 5 30/11/07 10:46:35 AM30/11/07 10:46:35 AM