SSW-06 | 3
- English -
External Current Acquisition Kit
This option must be used to keep the motor and the SSW-06 protections active when the
soft-starter is being used with an external by-pass contactor. In those applications follow
the next installation procedure:
a) Disconnect the SSW-06 internal current transformers (CTs) secondary wires from the
terminal strip X1, terminals 27 to 32, which is located on the CPS63, CPS64, CPS65 or
CPS66 board. The secondary wires must be shorted out with the Sindal terminal strip
that comes with the kit, this procedure is necessary to avoid burning the CTs.
b) Connect the external CT cables according to the sequence below:
CT mounted on the R/U phase:
- Red wire connected to X1:27.
- Black wire connected to X1: 28.
CT mounted on the S/V phase:
- Red wire connected to X1:29.
- Black wire connected to X1: 30.
CT mounted on the T/W phase:
- Red wire connected to X1:31.
- Black wire connected to X1: 32.