Getting Started
General Tips
© 2018 ClosetMaid LLC | Ocala, FL 34471 | 1-800-874-0008 | www.closetmaid.com | www.closetmaid.ca
• Pleaserefertotheinstructionsheetprovidedintheproductpackageforthespecicsonrequired
& recommended tools for the assembly of the products.
• Take an inventory of the parts for the products purchased to insure you have everything you need
for the installation.
• Pre-plan the placement of the towers.
Parts List
3 - SPC Frame 24X14
• Assemble and build your towers.
• Placeyourtowers,makingsuretoaxthemtothewallasdirected.
• Measure the length that the rods will need to be for each side. Make sure the span between units
48 in.
• Theexpandableclosetrodsare30in.to48in.long.Ifthelengthisshorterthan30in.therodwill
need to be cut.
• Installtheclosetrodsandtopshelves.
• Assemble and install any drawers into the tower unit (sold separately).
7 - SPC Shelf Kit 24X14
9 - SPC Casual Handle
6 - SPC Drawer Kit 6X24
4 - SPC 24” Hang Rod
Kit Nickel
3 - SPC Drawer Kit
2 - SPC Finish Trim