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Page 11
Time/Switch 6 7
0.5 hours off on
1.0 hours on off
2.0 hours off off
4.0 hours on on
Figure 3.10: Setting the Time
Override configuration switches
Switch #4 (DIMMING) should be set to ON whenever controlling 0-10V ballasts. When switch
#4 is ON, dimming output is provided at both dimming channels when a load shed input is
received. It also enables the switch inputs to dim lights up and down manually by pressing
and holding the connected momentary switches. When dimming is enabled and the Blink
Warning is enabled (switch #1 is OFF), the Blink Warning dims the output of both channels
down then back up to warn that the lights will turn off in 5 minutes.
When switch #4 is OFF and a 24V signal is received at the SHED control input, relay #1
opens to shed 100% of its load.
Switch #5 Switch #5 (DAYLT) daylighting enables relay output #1 to turn on and off
depending on signals from the photocell input (DAYLT). The photocell DAYLT input does not
directly turn on relay output #1. Instead, it works together with other control inputs to turn on
relay #1. The photocell has no effect on relay output #2.
With switch #5 ON, two conditions must be met to turn on relay output #1:
• The daylighting photocell connected to the DAYLT input must signal that it is dark by
providing a 24VDC signal on the input.
• There must be an on signal from another control input associated with relay output #1. The
signal can be from a switch on the ON/OFF inputs, an occupancy sensor on the OCC SNS
input or a time clock/B.A.S. signal on the UNOCC input.
If any of these inputs signal for relay output #1 to turn off, it will turn off, regardless of the
daylighting photocell detection of dark. If the photocell signals that it is light, relay output #1
turns off.
When switch #5 is OFF, the DAYLT input does not affect relay output #1. The LC-100 will
operate solely based on signals from switch ON/OFF, occupancy sensor OCC SNS and
UNOCC inputs.
Switches #6 (TM OVRD1) and #7 (TM OVRD2) provide time override settings for the After
Hours mode (see Figure 3.10). The After Hours mode begins when the lights are scheduled to
turn off, as determined by an external clock connected to the UNOCC terminal. When the user
manually overrides the lighting output by turning the lights back on when in After Hours mode,
the lights will automatically turn off after the time set using these switches.
Switch #8 (BURN IN) when turned ON, initiates a 100-hour burn-in period for dimming ballast
loads connected to the LC-100 dimming channels. Some lamp and ballast manufacturers
recommend running lamps at full output for their first 100 hours of operation to ensure long
lamp life. During the burn-in time, full 10V output is provided to the dimming ballasts
whenever the output is on. All dimming inputs such as load shed and manual switch dimming
are ignored until both relay outputs to the ballast have operated for a total of 100 hours, or
until switch #8 is returned to the OFF position. During the burn-in period, manual switches,
occupancy sensors, daylighting, and timed occupancy controls provide on/of
f control.
After the
100-hour burn-in period has expired, lamps can be dimmed in normal operation. There is no
need to turn switch #8 of
f to resume normal dimming operation. It automatically reverts to
normal control after 100 hours.