Michelle SOS
1. Emergency/authorized contacts
You may set up to five
programmed numbers on the
Personal Alarm. At least one
number is required to be set.
When the SOS button is pressed,
all authorized numbers will
receive a ‘Help Me’ SMS, and the
device will dial (call) the
authorized numbers in-order
until someone answers.
Note: Some landline/mobile voicemail services can
have up to 5 minutes of recording time. If the Personal
Alarm reaches a voicemail service, it will not dial the
next emergency contact until the voicemail session
ends – because of this, we recommend that all
emergency contacts should review their voicemail
recording length, and reduce them to 10 or 20 secs to
avoid unnecessary emergency calling delays.
Additional Fact
Pressing the non-emergency
call button on the side of the
Personal Alarm will
automatically call the second
authorized contact.
If the second number is not
set, this function will not work.
Set mobile number 1 OK!
Set mobile number 2 OK!
Cancel mobile number 1 OK!
A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, set your authorized
numbers 1~5
xxxxxxxxxx = The cell or landline number
you want to set.
It is recommended to use the international
+1 for USA;
+61 for Australia
+44 for the UK
+64 for New Zealand
+353 for Ireland
i.e. To set primary number, text:
A1,+13023171234 (American Cell Example)
To cancel/clear number, text A1, to the GPS
(or A2, A3, A4, A5,) depending on which
number you would like to remove (see left)