a need to adapt to constantly changing
applications, and the absolute necessity
of fielding new applications as rapidly as
possible. We understand these pressures,
and have the hardware and application
development tools to help you succeed.
Ballistic Prediction
Our ballistic predictors
and system interface
modules are employed
in a number of naval
gun control systems.
They provide full
ballistic prediction, featuring comprehen-
sive compensation for all parameters to
provide high first round hit probability.
Versions are available for all types and
caliber of gun and ammunition.
Dynamic Gun Alignment
The Dynamic Gun
Alignment system is an
automated, video-based
solution for the assess-
ment of weapon system
alignment. It provides
accurate measurement of both static and
dynamic alignment, and is suitable for all
naval gun mountings.
designers who are creating these types of
applications. The FireScout UAV is an excel-
lent example of this, as it employs several
of our systems for applications such as
mission control, navigation and fire control.
If you are developing
a sonar application,
you can turn to us with
complete assurance
that we know sonar.
Our reputation for
design excellence has
made us the peferred choice for naval
fleets across the globe. Our solutions are
deployed on over 400 vessels—including
the US Navy’s Virginia class submarine—
and deployed in such major programs as
SQQ-89 and the ARCI modernization effort.
Radar systems design-
ers have been quick to
embrace more capable
hardware and easier-
to-use software. A new
generation of multicore
processors, plus serial switched fabrics, have
delivered enormous improvements. There is
also a growing requirement for scalability,
Missile Launch Control
As a close-in ship defense
system, it is crucial for the
RIM-116 Rolling Airframe
Missile (RAM) to have
extremely precise, real
time targeting informa-
tion. We were able to provide the necessary
processing and networking speed to
upgrade the Launch Control System.
As an additional benefit, our hardware solu-
tion offers a clear technology insertion path
which will simplify future improvements to
the system.
The ability to maintain
fast, reliable and secure
communication links on
board, and with the fleet,
is supported by our wide
range of communication
technologies including Software Defined
Radio transceivers and standards-based
systems, switches and I/O modules.
To learn more about GE Intelligent Platforms Naval Applications, visit www.ge-ip.com