Forum 523/524 is a communications system for integrated
voice and data communication. It is an innovative, modular and
convergent system platform designed primarily for VoIP voice and
data applications. VoIP (“Voice over Internet Protocol”) enables
you to make telephone connections using Intranet and Internet
data links, making it possible to use new applications, and provid-
ing cost advantages in many cases. The Forum 523/524 can also
be used to make conventional telephone calls.
z The Forum 523/524 is equipped with all the interfaces
necessary for connecting system telephones, IP system
telephones, ISDN terminals and analogue terminals as part of
its basic module. The system enables Internet-/Intranet data
communications, CTI applications and system configuration
using a standard web browser.
z Forum 523/524 has two slots for extra interface cards. Using
different combinations of interface cards, the configuration of
Forum 523/524 can be exactly tailored to your communication
requirements. The need for an additional VoIP gateway, U
ports supporting DECT, further S
interfaces or more a/b ports
can be met by using one or more interface cards without
changing the system.
z The operating software is stored on a memory card
(CompactFlash). This memory card can also be used to
operate additional applications and programme packages: the
digital voice memory and voice information systems
Forum Voicemail and Forum Auto Attendant.
z A powerful Intel XScale CPU and implementation of the Linux
operating system guarantee the security of your investment,
compatibility with current Internet applications and future
z An integrated Ethernet Switch also enables the use of
applications featuring media convergence, such as the use of a
Media Gateway card for VoIP applications.
z The Forum 523/524 also has an actor for a door opener.