Barco X 1.2 User manual

User manual

This manual is also suitable for

Safety manual
For fixed indoor installation
Barco Visual (Beijing) Electronics Co., Ltd
地址:北京市 昌平区 中关村科技园 昌平园 昌盛路 16号
Phone: +86 10 8010 1166
Fax: +86 10 8970 2793
Visit us at the web:
Registered address: Barco NV
President Kennedypark 35, 8500 Kortrijk, Belgium
Phone: +32
Fax: +32
Visit us at the web:
Printed in Belgium
1. Safety
About this chapter
Read this c hapter attentively. It contains important information to prevent personal injury while installing the X-s eries display. Fur-
thermore, it includes several cautions to prevent dam age to the X -series tiles. Ensure that you understand and follow all safety
guidelines, safety instructions and warnings mentioned in this chapter before installing the X-series tiles. A fter this chapter, addi-
tional “warnings” and “cautions” are given depending on the installation procedure. Read and follow these “warnings” and “cautions”
as well.
Clarication of the term “X-series” used in this document
When referring in this document to the term “X-series” means that the content is applicable for following B arco products:
1.1 Safety g uidelines
Personal protection
WARNING: Ensure you understand and follow all the safety guidelines, safety instructions, warnings and
cautions mentioned in this m anual.
WARNING: Be aware of suspe nded loads.
WARNING: Wear a hard h at to reduce the risk of perso nal injury.
WARNING: Be careful while working with heavy loads.
WARNING: Mind your ngers w hile working w ith heavy loads.
Installation personnel
This installation must be performed by a
uthorized and qualied technical personnel only.
Accredited safety ofcers must ens ure the safety o f the site, construction, assembly, connection, use, dismantling, transport etc. of
such saf ety crit ica l sys tems.
The products specied in the manual only can be operated and used by the professional who m eets the requirements for this work.
The operator shall obey the instruction in this docu ment, especially the safety and warning note herein. Due t o the relevant training
and experience, professional have a mor e in-depth understanding of this product, they can avoid the risk of the process of the
The non-professional shall not asse mbly and disassembly at their own discretion, in case o f high-v oltage electric sho ck.
R5906876 X-SERIES 24/07/2017
1. Safety
Installation should be performed only after you are thoroughly f amiliar with all of the proper safety chec ks and installation instructions.
To do otherwise increases the risk of hazards and injury to the us er.
Assembly parts are des igned for intended us e only in conjunction with X-series displays.
Do not m odify and/or replicate any component. B arco uses specic materials and manufacturing processes in order to achieve part
strength. Consult Barco for as sistance with c ustom applications.
Always follow Barco installation instructions. Contact Barco if you should have any question regarding the safety of an application.
The manufacturer assum es no liability for incorrect, inadequate, irresponsible or unsafe assem bly o f system s. The system must
comply with the local safety regulations regarding environmental conditions, solidity nal construction, etc…
Notice on safety
This equ ipment is built in accordance w ith the requirements of the international safety standards IEC60950-1, EN60950-1,
UL60950-1 and CAN/CSA C22.2 No.60950-1, which are the safety standards of information technology equipment including
electrical business equipment. Thes e s afety standards impose im portant requirements on the use of safety critical co mponents,
materials and ins ulation, in order to protect the user or operator against risk o f electric shock and energy haz ard and having access
to live parts. Safety standards also impose limits to the internal and external temperature rises, radiation levels, mechanical stability
and strength, e nclosure construction and protection against the risk of re. Simulated single fault condition testing ensures the
safety of the equipment to the user even whe n the equipment’s normal operation fails.
Product care
Structural & mounting components should be kept dry, clean, lubricated (only if recomm ended
), coated properly, and otherwise
maintained in a manner consistent with part design. Barco produc ts m u st be used in a manner consistent with their design and
inspected on a routine basis for security, wear, deformation, corrosion and any other circumstances that may affect the load handling
capability of the part.
Barco recommends ins pections at regular intervals for all installations and increasing in frequency for more critical installations. If
a part is found to hav e dam age, w hich may cause a decreas e in load capability, the par t must be removed for service or replaced
Under n o circumstances are Barco parts repairable b y anyone other than Barco.
1.2 Important safety instructions
Read these instructions.
Keep these instructions.
Heed all warnings.
Follow all instructions.
Clean only w ith materials or chem icals that are iner t, nonab rasive, n oncorrosive and non- marking. Consult the m anufacturer
for further advice should any doubts exist r egarding any cleaning procedure.
Do not bloc k ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.
Do not install near any heat sources s uch as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other app aratus (including a mpliers) that
produce he at.
Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polariz ed or grounding type plugs/sockets. If the provided soc kets/plugs are damaged
then replacement of the defective parts must be undertaken immediately.
Protect the power/data cords from being walked on or pinched particularly a t plugs, convenience receptacles, an d the point
where they exit from the appar atus. Replace damaged power/data c ords immediately.
Only use attachments/accessories specied by the manufacturer.
Disconnect the power to this apparatus durin
g lightning s torms or provide suitable additional lightning protection. Unplug this
apparatus when unused for long period of time.
Refer all servicing to qualied service technicians/personnel. Se rvicing is required when the apparatus has been damaged in
any way, such as power-supply cord or plug is damaged, the appa ratus does not operate normally, or has been dropped.
Use only with systems or p eripherals spec ied by the m anufacturer, or sold with the apparatus. U se caution during lifting/moving
or transporting to avoid damage by possible tipping.
Do not use dam aged L ED tiles. Replace damaged par ts imm ediately.
R5906876 X-SERIES 24/07/2017
1. Safety
1.3 Important safety instructions
Read these instructions.
Keep these instructions.
Heed all warnings.
Follow all instructions.
Clean only w ith materials or chem icals that are iner t, nonab rasive, n oncorrosive and non- marking. Consult the m anufacturer
for further advice should any doubts exist r egarding any cleaning procedure.
Do not bloc k ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.
Do not install near any heat sources s uch as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other app aratus (including a mpliers) that
produce he at.
Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polariz ed or grounding type plugs/sockets. If the provided soc kets/plugs are damaged
then replacement of the defective parts must be undertaken immediately.
Protect the power/data cords from being walked on or pinched particularly a t plugs, convenience receptacles, an d the point
where they exit from the appar atus. Replace damaged power/data c ords immediately.
Only use attachments/accessories specied by the manufacturer.
Disconnect the power to this apparatus during lightning storms or provide suitable additional lightning p rotection. Unplug this
apparatus when unused for long period of time.
Refer all servicing to qualied service technicians/personnel. Se rvicing is required when the apparatus has been damaged in
any way, such as power-supply cord or plug is damaged, the appa ratus does not operate normally, or has been dropped.
Use only with systems or p eripherals spec ied by the m anufacturer, or sold with the apparatus. U se caution during lifting/moving
or transporting to avoid damage by possible tipping.
Do not us e damaged LE D tiles. Replace da maged parts immediately. En sure that the spring of each locking mechanism (latch)
is functioning properly. If not, replace imm ediately.
1.4 Important warnings
Important warnings:
Risk of electric shock:
Do not open. To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove LED board from tile. N
o user-serviceable parts inside. Refer
servicing to qualied service personnel.
Maximum and m inimu m ambient tem perature:
The max imum ambient temper ature for the LED wall is 40°C (104°F), the minimum temperature is -10°C (14°F).
Low Voltage Surg e Protection Device required
Due to the damaging effects of lightning, utility switching and swi
tching electric motors of other users on the mains, this p roduct
needs to be protected by means of a Surge Protection Device. T his product is connected to the mains through a power distribution
box from party, please verify that a Low Voltage Surge P rotection Dev ice a ccording EN61643-11 or UL 14 49 is in place.
High leakag e current:
The com bination of multiple tiles in an installation r esults in increased levels of leakage c urrent. In order to avoid risk of electric
shock due to high leakage c urrent, proper grounding of the installation is required.
Flammable materials:
Keep ammable m aterials away from the installation (such as curtains). A lot of energy is transferred into heat. The installation
should be such that the am ount of air ow required for safe operat
ion of the equipment is n ot compromised. Proper ventilation must
be provided.
Risk of electric shock / Risk of re:
Each power source cable s hould be protected by a circuit breaker or fuses rated 16 A / 250 VAC (15 A / 250 VAC in the USA and
Canada). Note that one tile requires 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz.
To protect against risk of re caused by ov erloading of power cables, the number of tiles connec ted in parallel is limited. See table
Tile Power sourc e
Maximum numb er of tiles per power source cable
X 1.2 110-180Vac
10 tiles
14 tiles
X 1.5 110-180Vac
10 tiles
14 tiles
R5906876 X-SERIES 24/07/2017
1. Safety
X 2.5 110-180Vac
10 tiles
14 tiles
X 4 110-180Vac
10 tiles
14 tiles
The power limits of the used power connectors needs to be followed. A C 13/C14 connector is lim ited to 10A . An Am phenol connector
is limited to 16A.
ESD and LED’s:
LED compon ents used in X -series tiles ar e ESD (Electro-Static Discharge) sensitive. To prevent the possibility of destroying LED
components do not touch either in operation or while s witched off. Always use ESD-gloves.
Disconnect device:
When the appliance inlets of the individual tiles are not accessible, the socket outlets supplying the rack shall be installed near t he
equipment and b e eas ily accessible, or a r eadily acces sible gen eral disconnect device shall be incorpor
ated in the xed w iring.
This equipm ent M US T be earthed:
In order to protect a g ainst risk of electric shock, the installation should be properly grounded. Defeating the purpose of the grounding
type plug will expose yo u to the risk of electric shoc k.
Power system:
It is recommended to use a T N-S power distribution system (a pow er distribution system with a separate neutr
al and grounding
conductor) in order to avoid large ground current loops du e to voltage differences in the neutral c onductor. T he total electrical
installation sh ould be protected by an appropriately rated disconnect switch, circuit breakers, over voltage pr otector and G round Fault
Current Interrupters. The installation shall be done ac cording to the loca
l electrical installation co des. In Europe special attention
should be given to HD 60364, Harmonization Docum ent for electrical installation of buildings. In Germ any VDE 0100 should be
adhered to. In A meric a, special attention should be given to the N ational Electrical Code, A N SI/NFPA 70.
Mains cords:
The power cords delivered with this system ha ve special properties for safety. They are no t user serviceable. If the po wer cords a re
damaged, replace them only with new ones. Nev er try to repair a power cord.
LED s :
The LEDs used on the X-series tiles a re fragile. Never push with a hard or sharp object onto the lens of the LED as this may cause
damage to the LED . The maximum allowed load upon the lens of the LED is 300 g
ram/LED. Be careful w hen installing a shader
upon the X-series tiles. Shaders only t in one direction a nd this should be veried before pushing into nal position. Us e your bare
ngers (not nails) to press the shader over the LEDs . Use your nger nails to press upon the framework of the shader between the
LEDs (not upon the LEDs) to push the shader in its nal position.
Do not hot plug:
Do not hot plug any ca bles. Dam age to the conn ector pins may occur. Resulting damage is not covered under warranty.
Maximum allowed d isplay height:
The m aximum h eight of a X -series dis play in:
In a hanging conguration:
with traditional truss : 25 tiles
with auto balancing truss in combination with X1.2 or X1.5: 20 tiles
with auto balancing truss in combination with X2.5 or X4.0: 24 tiles
In base stand setup conguration:
with traditional beam: 25 tiles
with a u to balance truss: 20 tiles
When using back moun ting, the max imum height is unlimited.
1.5 Proper usage
Proper usage of X-series tiles
No part of the X-series tile can come in co ntact with any type of mois ture.
No part of the X-series tile can come in c ontact with any type of abrasive.
No part of the X-s eries tile can come in contact with any type of dust.
No part of the X-series tile can c ome in contact with any type of corrosive substance.
Using the LED product in an environment w ith high corro
sive gasses (e.g. Sulphur) can lead to discoloration of the materials.
This discoloration gives a c hange in brightness of the product. T his could lead to uniformity differences and po ssibly also to
failures. Each us e of the product in this kind of env ironme nt nee ds to be c hecked up-front with the supplier.
R5906876 X-SERIES 24/07/2017
1. Safety
X-series tiles are to be used in environments meeting the operating specications.
X-series tiles are not to be used in environme nts t hat are subject to airborne contaminants such as that pr oduced by s mok e
machines (cracked oil) or sim ilar (these deposit a thin layer of greasy residue upon the LE Ds optics, degrading performance).
X-series tiles are not to be exposed to extreme localized heat or cold exceeding the temperature specic ations.
X-series tiles are not to be exposed to any e lement or situation that will ca use any par t of the display to heat beyond what o ccurs
during norm al operation. Such situations include but are not limited to lasers, ultrasonic vibration, or any type of substance that
prevents pr oper ventilation and heat radiation of the X-series tiles.
X-series tiles are not to be ex posed to circumstances where moisture can condense or collect on any comp onents.
Power c onnected to the X-series tiles m ust meet the specications outlined in the installation ma nual.
Avoid any accidental bumping o f the tile corners w hile installing or removing the X-se ries tiles. Since LED’s of the X -series tiles
are mounted near by the edges of the LED b oards, which is unavoidable in the design of a high resolution LED-wall, the corners
of the X-series tiles become se nsitive for mechanical dam age. Because o f t hat it is required to handle the X- series tiles w ith
care at all times .
Never place an X-series tile upon a sur face with the LED’s facing downwards without protection. T his to prevent damage to the
LEDs and the soft lens of the L EDs.
While removing or installing the X-series tile alway s keep the LED side of the X-series tile parallel with the LED side of the
remaining neighboring X-series tiles. T his to avoid any mechanical stress upon the corners of the X -series tiles.
No force can be app lied to the LE Ds. A ny LEDs dam aged due to m echanical stress are not covered by the warranty.
Safety and functional features of the display cannot be defeated.
It is not allowed to climb or hang any additional equipment o n the back of an X-series wall. Nothing is to be allowed to hang
from the cables of an X-series tile.
Any failures must be immediately and appropriately dealt with (equipment returned to Barco). Failing equipment cannot be left
to run in a w all.
No additional tools (hamm ers, pr y-bars, etc.) are to be used to force handles or locks into place . All m oving parts should be
managed by hand.
Only B arco cables specied to b e used with the X-series display are to be used to connect com ponents in the X-series wall.
Further, care mus t be taken to connect signal only ac cording to the installation manual.
X-series tiles are not to be u sed in the vicinity o f any equipment that is not CE and UL /ETL certied.
When reconnecting components in an X-s eries tile, care must be taken to ensure that ca bles are c arefully routed according to
the installation m anual to prevent dam age to the cables or other parts of the X-series tile.
X-series tiles can be cleaned only in accordance to the pr ocedures dened in the installation manual.
The X-series display is an indoor product. Us e the X-series tiles only in a dry are a away from direct sunlight, dust a nd moisture.
Never install and use the X-series tiles in an outd oor environment.
Ensure rigging hardware is able to hand le the weight of the entire X-series with appropriate safety factors.
External rigging hardware must be properly installed prior to hanging X-series tiles.
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1. Safety
6 R5906876 X-SERIES 24/07/2017
2. Environmental information
2.1 Disposal information
Disposal Information
Waste Elec trical and Electronic Eq uipment
This sy mbol on the product indicates that, under the European Directive 2 0 12/19/EU governing waste from electrical and
electronic equipment, this pr oduct must not be disposed of with other municipal waste. Please dispose of your waste equipment by
handing it over to a designated collection p oint for the r ecycling o f was te electrical and elec tronic equipment. To prevent possible
harm to the environment or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal, please s eparate these items from other types of waste
and rec ycle them responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse of material resources.
For more information about recycling of this product, please contact your local city ofce or y our municipal waste dispo sal service.
For details, please visit the Barco website at: h
2.2 RoHS compliance
中国大 RoHS (Chinese Mainland RoHS)
根据中国大品有害物限制使用管理法》(也称中国大RoH S), 以下部分列出了Barco品中可能包含的有毒
/或有害物的名称和含量。中国大RoHS 指令包含在中国信息产业MCV准:子信息品中有毒物的限量要求中。
According to the “Man agement M ethods for the Restriction of the Use of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Prod-
ucts” (Also called RoHS of Chinese Mainland), the table below lists the names and contents of t oxic and/or hazardous substances
that Barco’s product may c ontain. The RoHS of Chinese Mainland is inc luded in the MCV standard of the Ministry of Information
Industry of China, in the section “Limit Requirements of toxic substances in E lectronic Information Products”.
零件 (名称)
Component name
Hazardous substances and elements
(Cr6+ )
Printed Circu it Assemblies
External Cables
Internal wi rin g
Power Supply Unit
Metal Enclosure
Plastic Enclosure
R5906876 X-SERIES 24/07/2017 7
2. Environmental information
零件 (名称)
Component name
Hazardous substances and elements
(Cr6+ )
螺帽,(),螺旋( ),, 固件
Nuts, bolts, screws, washers, Fasteners
本表格依据SJ/T 11364
This table is prepared in accordance with the provisions of S J/T 11364.
O: 表示有毒有害物部件所有均材料中的含量均在 GB/T 26572 定的限量要求以下.
O: Indicates that this toxic or hazardous su bstance contained in all of the homogeneou s materials for this part is below the limit
requirement in GB/T 26572.
X: 表示有毒有害物至少在部件的某一均材料中的含量超出 GB/T 2657 2 定的限量要求.
X: Indicates that this toxic or hazardous substance contained in at least one of the homogeneous materials used for this part
is above the limit requirem ent in GB/T 26572.
求》保使用期限(EFUP标签Bar co品所采用的EFUP标签阅实例,徽内部号使用
All Electronic Information Products ( EIP) that are sold within Chinese Mainland must com ply w ith the
“Marking for the restriction of the use of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic product” of
Chinese M ainland, marked with the Environmental F riendly Use Per iod (EFUP) logo. The number
inside the EFUP logo that Barco uses (please refer to the photo) is based on the “General guidelines of
environment-friendly use period of electronic information products” of Chinese Mainland.
Turkey RoHS compliance
Türkiye Cum huriyeti: AEEE Yönetmeliğine Uygundur.
[Republic o f Turkey: In conform ity with the WEEE Regulation]
2.3 Production address
Manufacturing address
Barco Visual (Beijing) Electronics Com pany Lim ited
No. 16 Changsheng R oad, Cha ngping S cience & Technology Park
Changping District 102213 Beijing,
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Barco X 1.2 User manual

User manual
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