Barco service bulletin
Serial Number: InfoT 699
Date: 15/03/2007
Product: Barco iCon H600
Priority code*: D
”Must” modification, Barco will provide t he necessary components to per form this mo difica tion
at no charge.
Improves the reliability of the product.
Improves the general working conditions of the product.
For information only.
1.1 Specifications
CAUTION: This upgrade to V1.30 may only be done on projectors running
software V1.26.
Do not upgrade a projector
that runs a software version older than V1.26
(< V1.26) !
If the projector uses a software version older than V1.26, first upgrade
to V1.26 !
• Scaling : issue preve
nting some portrait mode sources to be shown is solved.
• Image files : rename/copy of an empty list problem s solved.
Problem with the editing of YUV sources is solved.
Reduced number of image files for new projectors : 33 older image files are no longer
supported by the file system (see table below), and 2 portrait UXGA files added (UX-
GAP2@60, UXGAP1@59).
Note that the removed files will not be present on new pr ojectors but remain available
on old and upgraded projectors (since upgrading does not remove existing files).
• Power down : Locking state a t projector shutdown. In case the server does not respond
to an initiation of th
e shutdown process, the server is automatica lly put into shutdown
mode after 5 m i nutes waiting t ime. A countdown starts after 2 minut es and is shown in
Barco nv Simulation Products
Noordlaan 5,
B-8520 Kuurne
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