Magnus Dual-System Reinstallation Steps
Things you will need for this process:
1 Keyboard
1 Mouse (optional)
1 Hub
1 Flashdrive (3.0 & 16GB or more)
1 Additional Flashdrive (3.0 & 16GB or more)(optional)
1.) First, make sure your Magnus is Dual-System Capable. You can test this, by powering on your
device while holding down the V+ Button.
2.) When you see the screen below, your device is Dual-System Capable (NOTE: Android logo may
not appear on the screen.). Make sure the white box on the top-left corner has a check mark on
it. If the box is grey, tap on it and the check mark will appear. You can now turn off your device.
A .RAR extraction program like 7-ZIP