Once opened, you will commence the below:
a. Sign In - Create account with your email
address/during setup, enter in your gender,
date of birth, height, weight.
b. Add your Smartwatch - Press the watch
icon located on the top right of dashboard
screen - MAKE SURE you smartwatch
is ON, if not please charge and turn on.
c. If your device doesnt automatically
appear, select “+ Add New Device” then
“Add device manually” and your
BSW12BT watch will appear. Then select
the “PAIR” button located to the right of
the watch.
d. Allow permissions & notifications -
You must allow all notifications and
permissions the app requests for so
that you can get full function and
features of your smartwatch.
Note: Denying permission or not allowing
functions will hinder the use of your smartwatch.
To fix this, you must restart the whole setup
process again.