17 Clear key
18 Keypad (numbers 1 through 0)
The AUX ON and AUX OFF keys control receiver auxiliaries. With Shift on
they control multiplexer display.
① Select Monitor: LED display shows monitor number in run mode. Enter
monitor number and press MON to select.
② Select Camera: Enter camera number and press CAM to select.
③ Pan/Tilt: Move the joystick _ until the camera reaches the desired
④ Zoom: Twist the joystick clockwise or press the ZOOM IN key to zoom
in, twist counterclockwise or press the ZOOM OUT key to zoom out.
⑤ Lens Control: use the FAR、NEA key to control Focus, use the OPEN、
CLOSE key to control iris.
⑥ Presets: Enter preset number. Press PRESET key under two seconds to
run a preset position. Hold down PRESET key for two seconds to
create a preset position.
⑦ PATTERN。Pattern: Programming and operation varies with the DOME
type. Refer to the DOME manual please for details. Press PATTERN
key under two seconds to run a pattern. Hold down PATTERN key for
two seconds to create a pattern.
⑧ Sequence: Press PREV key to step back one camera. Hold for two
seconds for a backward sequence. Press NEXT to step forward one
camera. Hold for two seconds for a forward sequence. Press HOLD
to hold a sequence. Press HOLD to resume.
⑨ Macro Sequence: Enter 1 or 2 and press MACRO to start a group
camera sequence. Refer to your switcher manual for macro/sequence
⑩ Multiplexer Displays: Press SHIFT key, the icon S appears on the top
right of LCD.
F1/LATCH: Zoom
F2/OFF: PIP display
F3/MOM: Quad display
AUX ON: 9-screen display
AUX OFF: 16-screen display