APEC Water Add On Kit allows you to easily connect all industry standard 2”diameter inline filters onto your RO
system. Additional filters are typically added at the last stage Specialty filter between the Stage-5 filter and the
dispensing faucet.
Please follow the steps below to connect the additional 2” diameter inline filter to the reverse osmosis system. Please
refer to Figure 1 for sample setup diagram:
1. Shut off the Cold water supply to the RO system. Turn off the tank valve. Turn ON the spigot to release
pressure in system.
2. Use the two mounting clips and snap them onto the existing filter. Position mounting clips at opposite ends
of the filter to hold the Specialty filter firmly.
3. Snap your specialty filter onto the mounting clips.
4. If your specialty filter has any plugs in the ports, please be sure to remove them before making tubing
5. Optional: Use the two ¼” elbows to connect onto the specialty filter if needed. Please note the elbows
connect to Quick Connect ¼” type of fittings
6. Disconnect the output of the last filter to connect onto the output of the Specialty filter. Please note filters
typically have a flow arrow that point to the output side of the filter.
7. Connect a piece of tubing from the last filter at Point H to the input the of the Specialty filter at Point O.
8. Place the lock clips between the Collet ring and the fitting to secure the connection. Refer to Figure 2
Addon-QC-Kit Instruction
Figure 1: Sample RO System Setup Specialty Filter Installed
Figure 2: Lock Clip
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