Conguraon and Integraon - SNMP Protocol
If there are mulple cards in the network, the list will contain more devices. In such cases, the idencaon
of a specic card is addionally based on the MAC address. You should locate the MAC address on the list that
matches the one on the card’s label and read the device’s IP address. The method described may not always
be eecve. In the case of a larger number of SNMP cards in the LAN, some of them may be skipped. Another
consideraon is that if the LAN infrastructure includes more advanced network devices, some of them may
eecvely block broadcast communicaon, and as a result, some cards may not respond. Therefore, if the
desired card is not visible in NMC Ulity, it is recommended to proceed with one of the following methods for
idenfying the card’s address.
• If the card obtains an IP address from a DHCP server (dynamic IP conguraon), you can directly read the card’s
IP address from the DHCP server. This method is described in the Secon 2.1 chapter.
• Regardless of the IP conguraon method (stac or dynamic), you can scan the LAN using suitable soware to
locate the card’s IP address by its MAC address. A more detailed descripon of this method is available in the
Secon 2.2 chapter.
Default authentication parameters
In Table 3, default login credenals for the WEB interface of the card are provided. Authencaon parameters (com-
munity) for the SNMP protocol are given in Table 4.
Table 3: Default authencaon credenals for WEB
Type of Permissions User name Password
Administrator (read and write) admin ever
Standard User (read-only) ever ever
Table 4: Default authencaon parameters for SNMP protocol
SNMP version Read community Write community
SNMPv1 public private
SNMPv2c public private
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