VST Instruments
Introduction 1 – 9
What are VST instruments?
With computers becoming more powerful and a more integral part of
home and professional studios all over the world, instruments that
used to be hardware move into the computer.
VST instruments (short: VSTis) are software instruments which run un-
der any VST compatible host, such as Cubase SE. They are plugged
into the host software, which means that you set up and play them
from within the host. This offers many advantages to external/hardware
• First off, since VST instruments use your computer system and don’t need their
own hardware, they’re a much better value and more portable. Even more, when
you own one VST instrument, you can use multiple instances of it in one song
without having to buy multiple copies of the instrument. Two acoustic Grand
Pianos would be a significant investment in terms of money, space and mainte-
nance – in Studio Case, a second Grand Piano is a matter of two mouse clicks.
• VST instruments are part of the song. When you load up your song, the instru-
ments used in it and their settings are automatically restored – “Total Recall“.
• VST instruments offer a much better integration into your musical environment
than external instruments can. They can be fully automated (you can record
and play back knob or fader movements within the VSTi).
• Software instruments do not have to deal with hardware limitations such as
RAM, small graphic displays or missing hard disks. Their performance depends
only on your computer system, and these instruments can make full use of the
CPU power, RAM, hard disk or monitor your computer has to offer.
About the instruments included in Studio Case
Steinberg has gained a world-wide reputation for software instruments.
You’ll hardly find a music studio without Steinberg software instruments.
Award-winning products like The Grand, Virtual Guitarist or D’cota are
used by high-profile artists world-wide and can be heard in countless
chartbreaking music productions and film scores.
Studio Case incorporates essential versions of six of these great instru-
ments. SE versions are easier to use and less demanding on computer
performance than their professional counterparts. At the same time,
they offer the same sound quality the originals are well known for.