- 7 -
1. Wrap the Low and High Pressure Gauges [28, 29] with Teflon® tape.
2. Holding the Body [1] by hand, or lightly in the Bench Vise (with the top surface of the
Body protected from damage), install the Gauges into the Body and torque each to 10 ft-
lbs minimum. Then install the Gauge Guard [3] using the two mounting Screws [5],
tightening them until snug (the Gauge Guard firmly held in position).
TIP: If you cannot get a torque wrench on the Gauges, some simple rules will help
insure adequate tightness: When the Gauges are tight, nearly all of the
/8-27 NPT
Gauge threads will disappear into the Body. You should only see one to two turns of
complete thread remaining. Additionally, when the Gauge Guard is in position, the
face of each Gauge should be at least
/32” away from the underside of the Gauge
Guard. If the Gauges are closer to the Gauge Guard than that, tighten the Gauges
tighter as needed (one full revolution of the
/8-27 NPT Gauge thread will move the
Gauge closer to the Body by approximately
/32”). Be sure to note the orientation of
the Gauge face – always go tighter to line up Gauge dial artwork.
3. Install the new Filter [24A] into the Inlet Swivel [24], and apply either Teflon® tape or
Loctite® #222 to the Inlet Swivel threads.
4. If not already in place, mount the Inlet Swivel Assembly Plug back in the Bench Vise.
Firmly attach the Inlet Swivel and Inlet Nut [23] onto the Inlet Swivel Assembly Plug.
5. Screw the Body onto the Inlet Swivel, screw the Leverage Bar Tool RT-180 into the outlet
port of the Body (light hand tight), and then use the Leverage Bar to tighten the Body
onto the Inlet Connection. At this point, tighten enough so that the body cannot be turned
by hand without the assistance of the Leverage Bar. Final torque for the Inlet Connection
will occur in upcoming STEP 10.
6. Apply either Teflon® tape or Loctite® #222 to the Pipe Plug [25] threads. Install the Pipe
Plug into the rear Body high pressure port, and torque to 15 ft-lbs.
7. Preassemble the Relief Valve (if so equipped): Assemble (or reassemble) the Relief
Valve [27] as shown in DETAIL A. Use no lubricants or sealants. If your Regulator
model has a Pipe Plug instead of a Relief Valve, or if your Relief Valve is already
assembled and tested, you can skip to STEP 10.
8. To ensure proper Relief Valve performance, perform the following test procedures before
assembling the Relief Valve in the Regulator.
a. Attach the Relief Valve to a 450 PSIG source of oil-free air or dry nitrogen.
b. Slowly pressurize the Relief Valve, increasing to the recommended blow-off pressure
listed below. Note that
VICTOR Relief Valves are stamped with their nominal set
pressure, in case you’re unsure which Relief Valve you have.
Non-Vented Relief Valves:
If the Relief Valve vents before the minimum blow-off pressure is reached, then a
second Disc [27E] may be added.
If it still vents, then the Spring [27F] must be replaced.
Vented Relief Valves:
If the Vented Relief Valve fails to vent within the recommended blow-off pressure,
reset the Adjusting Screw [27J] as necessary and perform this step again. Make
sure you fully bleed off all pressure each time you test for blow-off pressure.