PCIe Streaming Data Plane TRD www.xilinx.com 2
UG920 (v2017.1) June 01, 2017
Revision History
The following table shows the revision history for this document.
Date Version Revision
06/01/2017 2017.1 Released with Vivado Design Suite 2017.1. Updated Figure 3-2 through Figure 3-5
and Figure 4-1 through Figure 4-7 (no changes to text).
01/20/2017 2016.4 Released with Vivado Design Suite 2016.4 without changes from the previous
10/05/2016 2016.3 Released with Vivado Design Suite 2016.3 without changes from the previous
06/08/2016 2016.2 Released with Vivado Design Suite 2016.2 without changes from the previous
04/14/2016 2016.1 Released with Vivado Design Suite 2016.1 without changes from the previous
11/24/2015 2015.4 Released with Vivado Design Suite 2015.4 without changes from the previous
10/05/2015 2015.3 Released with Vivado Design Suite 2015.3 with minor textual edits.
06/22/2015 2015.2 Updated for Vivado Design Suite 2015.2. Figure 3-1 and Figure 3-2 were replaced.
Figure 3-13 through Figure 3-15 were updated. In Hardware SGL Prepare Block,
page 49, element buffer size changed from 512 bytes to 4096 bytes. Figure 5-14 and
Figure 5-25 were updated.
05/13/2015 2015.1 Updated for Vivado Design Suite 2015.1. The TRD ZIP file changed to
rdf0307-kcu105-trd03-2015-1.zip. Updated Information about resource
utilization for the base design and the user extension design in Table 1-1 and
Table 1-2. Added details about Windows 7 driver support, setup, and test of the
reference design, updating these sections: Features, Computers, and Appendix A,
Directory Structure. Added section Install TRD Drivers on the Host Computer
(Windows 7) to Chapter 2, Setup and added Appendix B, Recommended Practices
and Troubleshooting in Windows. Removed QuestaSim/ModelSim Simulator
information, because QuestaSim simulation is not supported in Vivado tool release
2015.1. Updated many figures and replaced Figure 1-1, Figure 1-2, and Figure 5-12.
Updated XDMA Driver Stack and Design in Chapter 5. In Table C-3, traffic generator
was changed to traffic checker. Added Appendix E, APIs Provided by the XDMA Driver
in Windows.
02/26/2015 2014.4.1 Initial Xilinx release.