Programming Procedures
As you scan the bar code command to select the desired parameters, information about the final selected parameters
represented by the bar code commands are stored in the DelfiScan’s internal Flash Memory ASIC or non-volatile
memory. If you turn off the unit, the Flash Memory ASIC or non-volatile memory retains all programming options. You
need not re-program the DelfiScan if you want to keep the existing configurations in the next power on.
The programming procedures of DelfiScan are designed as simple as possible for ease of setting. Most programming
families take the Single Scan Selection programming procedure. But several programming families have more complex
and flexible programmable options, and you must take Multiple Scans Selection, Cycling Scan Selection or Dual
Level Selection to complete their programming procedures. Each kind of programming procedure is listed in the
following pages for your reference. Please give careful attention to become familiar with each programming procedure.
If the programming family must take multiple scans selection, cycling scan selection, or dual level selection procedures,
the family of the programming menu will be marked with the matched representing symbol of Programming
Category (P.C.) in bold font listed in the following table. You can easily find the bold mark in the programming menu,
and refer to their flowcharts for details. Before setting the DelfiScan, please also refer to the “Beeping Indications” listed
in Appendix to understand the details of programming beeping indications. It will be very helpful for you to know the
existing status while you are programming the DelfiScan.
Conventions of Programming Menu
Conventions Descriptions
Factory Default Value
P.C. Programming Category
SS : Single scan selection
MS : Multiple scans selection
CS : Cycling scan selection
DS : Dual level scan selection
( ) Necessary Option Code
[ ] Selectable Option Code