Displaying Help.......................... 62
Click the Help Button to Display............ 62
Right-click on the item you want to check and
display............................... 62
Customizing the Printer Driver............... 63
Saving various settings as your Select Settings
.................................... 63
Adding a Paper Type .................... 63
Rearranging display items................. 65
Summary of the Utility Tab.................. 66
Using the Printer Driver(Mac OS X)
Displaying the Settings Screen................ 68
Displaying Help.......................... 68
Using Presets............................ 68
Saving to Presets........................ 68
Deleting from Presets.................... 69
Using Epson Printer Utility 4................. 69
Starting Epson Printer Utility 4............. 69
Epson Printer Utility 4 Functions............ 69
Printing Varieties
Auto Color Adjustment by PhotoEnhance
(Windows Only).......................... 71
Correct color and print..................... 72
Printing Black and White Photos.............. 75
Borderless Printing........................ 78
Types of Borderless Printing Methods........ 78
Supported Paper........................ 78
About Roll Paper Cutting................. 79
Setting Procedures for Printing............. 80
Enlarged/Reduced Printing.................. 82
Fit to Page/Scale to fit paper size............ 83
Fit to Roll Paper Width(Windows Only)...... 84
Custom Scale Setting..................... 84
Multi-Page Printing....................... 86
Poster Printing (Enlarge to cover several sheets
and print - Windows only).................. 88
Setting Procedures for Printing............. 88
Joining the output paper together........... 90
Printing at Non-Standard Sizes............... 93
Banner printing (on roll paper)............... 96
Layout Manager(Windows Only).............. 98
Setting Procedures for Printing............. 98
Saving and Recalling Settings.............. 100
Color Management Printing
About Color Management.................. 101
Color Management Print Settings............ 101
Setting profiles........................ 102
Setting color management with the applications
..................................... 102
Setting color management with the printer driver
..................................... 104
Color management printing by Host ICM
(Windows)........................... 104
Color management printing by ColorSync
(Mac OS X)........................... 105
Color management printing by Driver
ICM(Windows Only)................... 105
Using the Control Panel Menu
Menu Operations........................ 108
Menu List.............................. 109
Maintenance menu..................... 109
Print Queues menu..................... 109
Paper menu.......................... 110
Printer Setup Menu..................... 111
Printer Status Menu.................... 111
Option Setup Menu..................... 112
Network Setup Menu................... 112
Preferences Menu...................... 113
Administrator Menu.................... 113
Menu Descriptions....................... 114
Maintenance.......................... 114
Print Queues.......................... 115
Paper............................... 116
Printer Setup.......................... 120
Printer Status......................... 121
Option Setup......................... 122
Network Setup........................ 122
Preferences........................... 123
Administrator Menu.................... 123
Print Head Maintenance................... 125
Maintenance Operations................. 125
Checking for clogged nozzles.............. 126
Cleaning the print head.................. 127
Adjusting print misalignments (Head
Alignment)........................... 129
Replacing Consumables.................... 133
Replacing Ink Cartridges................. 133
Replacing Maintenance Boxes............. 134
SC-P9000 Series/SC-P7000 Series/SC-P8000 Series/SC-P6000 Series User's Guide