Memorizing TV Channels
Auto-scan will search and memorize all channel line up in your area. So when you
browse through programs it will skip all the unselected channels. In the Channel
Setup dialog box, CH column, all selected channels are marked with check. If you
haven’t done this when you first started using the application, simply follow the
auto-scan procedures below. (Refer to section titled, Skipping Unwanted Channel,
for more detailed information to exclude selected channel.)
To auto-scan TV channels:
1. Click the Video Configuration button. The Channel Setup
dialog box will then appear.
2. In the Channel Group drop-down list, choose to auto-scan
Default Air or Cable TV channels.
3. Click Scan.
The application has a default frequency table. When you
click Scan, the application will use the frequencies in
this table and search for the active channels. Active
channels will then be memorized by the application.
4. You can terminate the searching process anytime. Just
click Stop.
5. Check and verify that you can access all the TV channels
(Refer to section titled, Selecting a TV Channel, for more
detailed information regarding channels access).
6. If there are channels missing from the channel memory, click
All Channel Scan in the Channel Setup dialog box and then
repeat the auto-scan. The following message will appear:
7. Click Yes to start all channel auto-scan. The AVerTV USB
application will then scan frequencies starting from 54 MHz
to over 800 MHz, increasing by 1 MHz at a time. The
application will check these frequencies for active channels,
memorizing those that are.