sure that you have switched the battery on button into “ON”.
b. Check SIM Card: Insert an active 2G/3G GSM SIM card that covers
with network, SMS, and voice call service. Very important: the SIM
card must be activated before inserted. Also, make sure that the
SIM card is inserted correctly.
c. Check SIM card carrier, please ask your carrier to see if the
SIM card you brought from them is fit with the GPS tracker device.
d. Please place the device in a good signal reception area.
3. After have done all those things, why does the GPS tracker still
in active?
Please use your mobile phone to send a SMS message command "
APN,apnname# " to the SIM card number that installed into GPS
tracker device. For example, if the APM name is "mobilenet", then
send the SMS command " APN, mobilenet# ", then the GPS tracker
APN will be set ok. Note: You can ask your SIM card network carrier
for the APN name.