Table of Contents
Registering Favorites settings
Processing options
(Picture Mode) ..........................87
Image quality (K) ...................87
Digital Zoom
(Digital Tele-converter) .............88
Setting the self timer
(j/Y) ..................................... 88
Shooting automatically with a
fi xed interval (i time lapse
shooting) ................................... 89
Varying settings over a series of
photographs (bracketing)..........90
Recording multiple exposures
in a single image
(multiple exposure) ...................93
Keystone correction and
perspective control
(Keystone Comp.).....................94
Setting anti-shock/silent
shooting (Anti-Shockz/
Silent[♥]) ...................................95
Setting hi-res shot
(High Res Shot) ........................95
Wireless remote control
fl ash photography .....................95
Using the playback menu ..........96
Displaying images rotated
(R) .......................................... 96
Editing still images ....................96
Canceling all protections ..........98
Using the setup menu ................99
X (Date/time setting) ...............99
W (Changing the display
i (Monitor brightness
adjustment) ............................... 99
Rec View ..................................99
Wi-Fi Settings ...........................99
c Menu Display .......................99
Using the custom menus .........100
R AF/MF ................................100
S Button/Dial/Lever ...............101
T Release/j .......................101
U Disp/8/PC ........................102
V Exp/p/ISO ........................104
W # Custom ..........................105
X K/Color/WB ..................... 105
Y Record/Erase .....................106
Z Movie .................................107
b Built-In EVF ........................109
K Utility ............................109
AEL/AFL ................................. 110
MF Assist ................................ 111
t Lever Function ................. 111
Viewing camera images on
TV ..........................................112
Choosing the control
panel displays
(KControl Settings) .............. 113
Adding information displays.... 114
Shutter speeds when the
fl ash fi res automatically .......... 115
Combinations of movie
image sizes and compression
rates........................................ 116
Shooting self-portraits using
the selfi e assist menu ............. 116
Selecting the display style of
the viewfi nder .........................117
Connecting the camera to
a smartphone 118
Connecting to a smartphone ...119
Transferring images to a
smartphone ............................... 120
Shooting remotely with a
smartphone ............................... 120
Adding position information
to images ...................................121