Matrox Imaging software 17
Software that provides consumer or business tasks or processes might not run on
the device. This includes email, word processing, spreadsheet, database,
scheduling and personal finance software. The device can use terminal services
protocols to access such software running on a server.
If you acquired the operating system and associated software on the unit, or on a
disc or other media, a genuine Certificate of Authenticity label with a genuine
copy of the software identifies licensed software. To be valid, this label must be
affixed to the device, or included on or in Matrox Electronic Systems' software
packaging. If you receive the label separately, it is not valid. You should keep the
label on the device or packaging to prove that you are licensed to use the operating
system and associated software.
The Microsoft operating system and associated software was designed for systems
that do not require fail-safe performance. You may not use the Microsoft operating
system and associated software in any device or system in which a malfunction of
the software would result in foreseeable risk of injury or death to any person. This
includes operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication
systems and air traffic control.
Matrox Imaging software
Matrox 4Sight GPm can be used with one or more Matrox Imaging products that
support the unit. These are the Matrox Imaging Library (MIL) and its derivatives
(for example, MIL-Lite, Matrox Capture Assistant, and Matrox Design Assistant).
All Matrox software is supported under the version of Windows installed on your
Matrox Design
The Matrox Design Assistant package is a flowchart-based, Windows program
that integrates a development environment for Matrox 4Sight GPm. It allows you
to create an imaging application without writing a single line of code. Application
development is visually a step-by-step approach, where each step is taken from an
existing toolbox and is configured through a series of dialog windows. An
application developed with Matrox Design Assistant can be deployed locally (on
the same computer as that used for application development) or remotely. Once
the project is built and deployed, it can run without the Matrox Design Assistant
interface being installed on your development computer.