20 Chapter 1: Before you begin
Additional components
You might have purchased one or more of the following additional components
to complete your unit:
❖ If you have purchased a Matrox Meteor-II /Camera Link frame grabber, you will
need to purchase the Camera Link cables from your camera’s manufacturer or
from 3M Interconnect Solutions for Factory Automation.
Additional component Details
Matrox Imaging software
Refer to the software manual for details on Matrox Imaging software
compatible with Matrox 4Sight-M.
Matrox frame grabbers for
• Matrox Meteor-II/Standard.
• Matrox Meteor-II/Multi-Channel.
• Matrox Meteor-II/Digital (includes the special back-plate to
accommodate the Digital Video input connectors).
• Matrox Meteor-II /Camera Link (includes the special front-plate to
accommodate the two Camera Link connectors).
If purchased with the integrated-unit version of Matrox 4Sight-M, these
devices will be pre-installed in your unit.
Standard 15-pin
VGA-TO-5BNC cable
This cable is used to connect an NTSC/PAL display device to the
secondary analog VGA connector on Matrox 4Sight-M.
DBHD44-TO-13BNC cable Used for interfacing to a Matrox Meteor-II/Standard frame grabber.
Six adapter cables for Y/C input (BNC-TO-SVHS) are shipped with the
DBHD44-TO-13BNC cable.
cable with a high density
44-pin connector
Also used for interfacing to the Matrox Meteor-II /Standard frame grabber.
This is an open-ended version of the DH44-TO-13BNC cable. It is required
for connection to special input and output signals, such as
synchronization, control, and DC power output.
DBHD44-TO-8BNC cable Used for interfacing to a Matrox Meteor-II /Multi-Channel frame grabber.
Three adapter cables for Y/C input (BNC-TO-SVHS) are shipped with the
DBHD44-TO-8BNC cable.
DBHD44-TO-8BNC/O cable Also used for interfacing to the Matrox Meteor-II /Multi-Channel frame
This is an open-ended version of the DBHD44-TO-8BNC cable. It is
required for connection to special input and output signals, such as
synchronization, control, and DC power output.
VHDCI-TO-OPEN cable Used for interfacing to a Matrox Meteor-II /Digital frame grabber.