TCP Control on port 23
KWPING\r : Ping to KD-WP8 (Command)
RWPING\r : Return message from WP8 for KWPING command(Ping).
KWPxP\r : Button x Press (Command)
RWPxP\r : Return message from WP8 when Button x is Pressed.
KWPxR\r : Button x Release (Command)
RWPxR\r : Return message from WP8 when Button x is Released.
KWPxPR\r : Button x Press/Release Combo
RWPxPR\r : Return message from WP8 for KWPxPR command.
RWPxH\r : Return message from WP8 while Button x is Holding when Hold is enabled.
x = 1 ~ 8
In normal mode,
KWPxP\r and KWPxR\r must be a pair with some interval (time out after 10 seconds).
KWPxR command without KWPxP leading is ignored.
In toggle mode,
KWPxP\r or KDWPxPR works for first press/second press (KWPxR command can be ignored)