The HW-17, HW-26 and HW-18 torches meet the re-
quirements of Instruction for Use of EN 50078 as fol-
A. Process: Tig welding.
B. Method of Guidance: Manual.
C. Voltage Class; L
Rated High Frequency Stricking Voltage: 5000 V.
D. Duty Cycle (10 min. base) 100% 60% 35%
HW-17, -17V
Rated Current DCSP 90A 130A 150A
Rated Current Balanced AC 65A 90A 110A
Rated Current DCSP 64A 115A 150A
Rated Current Balanced AC 45A 80A 105A
HW-17R, -17RV
Rated Current DCSP 68A 115A 150A
Rated Current Balanced AC 48A 80A 105A
HW-26, -26V
Rated Current DCSP 136A 165A 180A
Rated Current Balanced AC 95A 115A 125A
Rated Current DCSP 130A 150A 175A
Rated Current Balanced AC 90A 105A 120A
Rated Current DCSP 110A 140A 170A
Rated Current Balanced AC 75A 100A 120A
Rated Current DCSP 345A 400A 400A
Rated Current Balanced AC 240A 280A 280A
Shielding Gas (All torches & duty cycles) Argon
Cable-Hose Length 3.8 and 7.6 m
Electrode Size, DCSP & AC
HW-17 1.6mm 2.4mm 2.4mm
HW-26 2.4mm 2.4mm 2.4mm
HW-18 4.0mm 4.0mm 4.0mm
Electrode Type: See Tungsten Electrodes for
Tig Welding in manual.
E. Gas Flow Rate: 4 to 20 liters/min
April, 1997
Instruction Manual 455 782-001 (F-15-271)
F. Type of Cooling:
Air (All HW-17 & HW-26 torches)
Water (All HW-18 torches)
For HW-18 torches:
Maximum coolant temperature to torch: 65° C
Minimum flow rate: 1.0 l/min
Minimum inlet pressure: 3.5 bar
Maximum inlet pressure: 4.5 bar
G. Torch Switch Rating: 1.5A @ 24 VDC; 0.5A @ 48
H. Requirements for Connection of the Torch:
1. HW-17/HW-26 OL & OS Torches: Insert OKC
connector into appropriate receptical on power
source and twist to lock. Connect gas hose screw
fitting with a wrench.
2. HW-17/HW-26 CC Torches: Insert the torch cen-
tral connector into the appropriate connector on
the power source. Firmly hand tighten the re-
taining nut on the central connector to secure.
3. HW-18 OKC Torches: Insert OKC connector into
appropriate receptacle on power source and twist
to lock. The hose from the OKC connector has
red identifying tape and is connected to the quick
disconnect fitting on the power source which ac-
cepts water return from the torch.
The other quick disconnect fitting hose is con-
nected to the fitting on the power source which
supplies water to the torch.
The gas hose screw fitting is connected with a
4. HW-18 CC Torches: Insert the torch central con-
nector into the appropriate receptacle on the
power source. Firmly hand tighten the retaining
nut on the central connector to secure. Attach
the hose marked with red tape to the water re-
turn fitting on the power source. Connect the
other hose to the fitting for water supply to the
F-15-392 4/97