An all-in-one permit posting system that protects plans, permits,
inspection schedules and other required notices on the job site.
The Doc-Box is available with or without viewing window and/or locks.
In use by builders nationwide for over eighteen years, the Doc-Box is a
field proven, durable and long lasting product – actually more economical
than homemade posting boards! And the Doc-Box is fully guaranteed!
• Durable construction/takes
severe abuse
• Keeps plans/permits/notices
dry, clean and in place
• Satisfies most developers and
community signage
• Displays required license
numbers and lot info
• Provides professional sign-off
station for inspectors
• Lasts job after job
• Generous are for your
company name
Standard Doc-Box (No Window/No Lock)
Our Model Number 10102
Standard Doc-Box (No Window/Has a Lock)
Our Model Number 10103
Doc-Box Window (Doc-Box with a window/No Lock)
Our Model Number 10100
Doc-Box With Window & Lock
Windows are Polycarbonate
Size: 21’’ x 27’’ x 4’’
Locks: Optional cam locks, two
keys, steel body units keyed alike
Installation: Predrilled unit
mounts on post or wall
Includes: Mounting screws and
push pins
Inc. | 289 NW 68
Avenue | Ocala, FL 34482-8232 | USA
Telephone: (+1) 352-861-8900 Or 800-223-5897 | Facsimile: (+1) 877-436-2269 | www.docbox.com