Chapter 2: Keyword Usage
Monitor Command Keyword Parameter Entry
Monitor command keyword parameters can be optional or required. If a parameter is required,
a value must be entered on the command line or the command will not execute correctly. A
space is required between the keyword and the parameters that follow it. A comma is typically
used to separate parameters but some monitorcommand keywords may require an equal sign
(=) assignment operator.
If a parameter is optional, its value can be omitted and the system will substitute a default
value. For example, the STATUSmonitorcommand keyword can be issued as shown below.
The STATUSsyntax is "STATUSselect" for reference, where "select" is an optional parameter.
Issuing the STATUS monitorcommand keyword as shown above will return status inform-
ation for all the program tasks.
Issuing the STATUSmonitorcommand keyword with a parameter value as shown below will
return status information for only system task number 1.
Spaces before and after parameter separators are optional. If one or more parameters follow an
omitted parameter, the parameter separator(s) must be typed. If all the parameters following an
omitted parameter are optional, and those parameters are also omitted, the separators do not
need to be typed. Refer to the example below that demonstrates these concepts. The XSTEP syn-
tax is "XSTEP task program (param_list), cycles, step" with all parameters being optional, for
XSTEP assembly,,23
2.3 Using Program Command Keywords
Program command keywords are used to create V+ programs for robot control and other func-
tions such as I/O control, file operations, error handling, and data management. This section
provides details about the usage of program command keywords when creating V+ programs.
Program Command Keyword Syntax
Correct syntax for program command keywords must be observed when creating statements in
V+ programs. If incorrect syntax is used, the statement will cause errors in the V+ Editor and
the program cannot be executed.
Symbols such as commas, brackets, and parentheses may be required for program
commandkeyword syntax when parameters are present. program command keywords may
contain parameters that define or specify information needed for the operation. Some program
command keywords do not require any parameters while other program command keywords
have required or optional parameters.
In general, program command keywords have the following formats (not an exhaustive list-
ing). The keyword is shown in uppercase and the arguments are shown in lowercase.
Required keywords, parameters, and symbols such as equal signs and parentheses are shown
in bold text. Optional keywords, parameters, and symbols are shown in regular text.
KEYWORD req_param
KEYWORD opt_param
KEYWORD (parameter)opt_param
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