The schedd Daemon......................14
The startd Daemon ......................15
The starter Process ......................16
The negotiator Daemon.....................17
The kbdd Daemon ......................17
The gsmonitor Daemon.....................18
LoadLeveler Job States......................18
Part 2. Using LoadLeveler ..........................21
Chapter 3. Submitting and Managing Jobs..............23
Building a Job Command File ...................23
Job Command File Syntax ...................23
Submitting a Job Command File ..................25
Managing Jobs .........................26
Editing a Job Command File ...................26
Querying the Status of a Job...................26
Placing and Releasing a Hold on a Job ...............27
Cancelling a Job .......................28
Checkpointing a Job ......................28
Setting and Changing the Priority of a Job..............28
Working with Machines .....................29
A Simple Task Scenario Using Commands...............30
Step 1: Build a Job ......................30
Step 2: Edit a Job.......................30
Step 3: Submit a Job .....................30
Step 4: Display the Status of a Job ................30
Step 5: Change the Priorities of Jobs in the Queue ..........31
Step 6: Hold a Job ......................31
Step 7: Release a Hold on a Job .................31
Step 8: Display the Status of a Machine ..............31
Step 9: Cancel a Job .....................31
Step 10: Find the Location of the Central Manager...........31
Step 11: Find the Location of the Public Scheduling Machines ......32
Additional Job Command File Examples ...............32
Example 1: Generating Multiple Jobs With Varying Outputs .......32
Example 2: Using LoadLeveler Variables in a Job Command File .....33
Example 3: Using the Job Command File as the Executable .......34
Job Command File Keywords ...................36
account_no .........................36
arguments .........................37
blocking ..........................37
checkpoint .........................37
class ...........................38
comment ..........................38
core_limit ..........................38
cpu_limit ..........................39
data_limit ..........................39
dependency .........................39
environment .........................41
executable .........................41
file_limit ..........................42
group ...........................42
hold ............................42
image_size .........................43
iv Using and Administering LoadLeveler