iPhone 4S Portable Genius
iTunes library, sharing, 174
iTunes Store, accessing, 177
keyboard, customizing, 13–15
location services, controlling, 265–267
normal exposure photos, not keeping, 193
notifications, customizing, 9–11
parental controls, customizing, 23–25
Personal Hotspot, activating, 49
private browsing, turning on, 96
Safari security options, 99
search engine default, setting, 97
shuffling, turning off, 172
software updates, 303
sound effects, customizing, 12–13
of eBooks, 275–276
with iCloud, 293
manual, using Wi-Fi, 134
of photos, with iCloud, 161
text shortcuts, creating, 17
Twitter, accessing, 18
video settings, 213
VPN, connecting to, 58
Wi-Fi network, setting up, 44–48
Shake to Shuffle feature, 172
shared iTunes library, 173–174, 207–208
sharing locations, 267
shortcuts, text. See text shortcuts
shuffling, turning off, 172
side switch, 319
signature for e-mail messages, 122
silent mode, 11–12, 319
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), 113–114, 319
Siri app
for contacts, 63, 64, 237–238
described, 15
for e-mail messages, 126–127
for events, 245–246
launching, 15–16
for maps and directions, 264–265
for music, 171–172
for phone calls, 63–64
relationships in, 16, 64, 237
for reminders, 252
searching the web using, 101–102
for traffic information, 264–265
serial number for iPhone, 312–314
servers. See incoming mail server; outgoing
mail server
Service Set Identifier (SSID), 46, 319
Settings app
3G network, turning off, 54
ActiveSync, configuring, 125–126
Airplane mode, setting, 56, 309
audio settings, 186–187
AutoFill feature, turning on, 92
battery use, tracking, 306
calendars, subscribing to, 248–249
Call Forwarding, turning on, 67
Call Waiting, turning off, 66–67
Caller ID, turning off, 65
cellular networks, turning off, 54–55
data roaming, turning off, 55
e-mail accounts
creating on iPhone, 108–109
default, setting, 109
deleting, 110
disabling temporarily, 109–110
nonstandard SMTP port for, 113–114
SMTP authentication for, 114–115
e-mail messages
Gmail, deleting instead of archiving, 124–125
minimum font size for, 121
not deleting from server, 113
number to display in Inbox, 115–116
organized by thread, disabling, 123–124
remote images in, disabling, 123
sent directly to you, identifying, 116–117
signature for, customizing, 122
Find My iPhone app, activating, 25–26
free space on iPhone, determining, 132
History list, deleting, 94
Home screen, resetting default layout for, 7–8
iCloud, setting up, 292–293
locking, 20–22
making discoverable, 38
pairing devices with, 38–39
resetting, 19
sleep mode, customizing, 22
unpairing devices from, 40
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