LED Mini Board
and one in slot 8. Please use the “Logo”buttons at the end of image message
edit boxes to select an image. Black pixels on a white background, in the
BMP format, work best.
2.3.3 How to edit an image
There is a bundled Image Editor in the software package. Click the button of
the Image Editor on the interface to launch the program. When you finish an
image file, please save it to disk. Then use the “Logo” buttons to load the
image you edited.
2.3.4 About the running sequence:
The messages will be run based on the order shown in the “Run Sequence”
entry. You can input a different order like “87654321” or “6327” if you want
something other than the default.
2.3.5 About communication:
Insert the USB of LED Mini Board to PC directly, and the software will run. After
editing, then press Send button, the message will upload to LED Mini Board.
Note: If you are having trouble communicating with the badge, please see
our support page here:
Specifically, see the plclean.exe utility which will re-install the USB
to Serial drivers for Windows.
3. About charging
3.1 You can use the USB cord to charge the LED Mini Board in your PC as you turn
on the switch button. The the screen will show a twinkling icon which shows the
percentage of charging completed.