© 2017Schneider Electric.All Rights Reserved. Schneider Electric,APC,Smart-UPS,SmartSlot,andLifeIsOn
Schneider Electric are trademarks and the propertyof Schneider Electric SE, its subsidiaries and affiliated
companies. All other trademarks arepropertyoftheir respectiveowners.All equipment specifications,features,
and/or pricing are subject to change without notice.
Smart-UPS with
APC™ SmartConnect
APC SmartConnectenablescustomersto view thestatusof their UPSthrougha secureweb
portal.Throughthisinnovativeremote management interface,customersreceiveautomatic
notifications,firmwareupdates, andadvancedsupport.
Getting started is easy.
Install your UPS
Scan the QR Code
Register your UPS
APC keeps your data secure
Our platform performs secure data collection, secure data
processing, and following operational security procedures.
Smart-UPS with SmartConnect: