Kamstrup A/S OUY-READYAMR2 User manual

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User Guide
READy Converter · Basic
Kmstrup A/S · Industrivej 28, Stilling · DK-8660 Sknderborg · T: +45 89 93 10 00 · info@kmstrup.com · kmstrup.com
2 Kamstrup A/S • DRAFT - 55121763_A1_AU-NZ_12.2015
READy Converter · Basic
1 Description 3
2 Wht is in the box? 4
3 Technicl dt 4
4 Mechnicl dt 5
5 Dimensions 5
6 Power supply 6
7 Mrkings/stndrds 6
8 Sfety informtion/disposl 6
9 FCC Cutions 7
10 Order informtion 7
11 Accessories 7
3Kamstrup A/S • DRAFT - 55121763_A1_AU-NZ_12.2015
READy Converter · Basic
1 Description
Flexible converter unit for meter reding
Rugged design
Long bttery lifetime
Support of Wireless M-Bus, Communiction C mode
Support of Bluetooth®
Prt of READy Suite
READy Converter, Bsic is prt of the READy Suite nd is responsible for the utomtic dt
collection from smrt wter meters equipped with Wireless M-Bus communiction
READy Suite is  unique stndrdized Wireless M-Bus solution for esy nd fst reding of smrt
wter meters.
The reding of the smrt wter meters tkes plce using the READy Converter, Bsic which
receives dt nd sends this to  smrtphone/tblet which is responsible for storing the dt.
Ech device cn contin dt from up to 15,000 meters.
The direct communiction between the smrt wter meters nd READy Converter, Bsic is
bsed on  comprised one-wy communiction protocol focusing on fst, sfe nd robust dt
communiction nd long bttery lifetime. This comprised communiction protocol is clled C
Due to the optimized Wireless M-Bus communiction protocol, READy Converter, Bsic cn receive
dt from up to 30 smrt wter meters per second, mking it  perfect drive-by solution.
4 Kamstrup A/S • DRAFT - 55121763_A1_AU-NZ_12.2015
READy Converter · Basic
2 Wht is in the box?
READy Converter, Bsic is delivered redy to use in  box contining:
1 x READy Converter
1 x whip ntenn
1 x 230 VAC/USB chrger
1 x USB cr chrger with 2 USB outputs
1 x USB/micro USB cble
1 x quick guide
The intuitive quick guide leds you through
the instlltion of the PC softwre nd the
smrtphone pp nd shows you how to connect
softwre, pp nd converter unit with ech
3 Technicl dt
Communiction interfces
Meter reding Wireless M-Bus, C mode
Dt trnsfer to smrtphone/tblet Bluetooth® 2.0
Further interfces
Chrging Micro USB
Opticl interfce 3 x LED for bttery sttus
User interfce ON/OFF button
Wireless M-Bus 923 MHz
Bluetooth (clss 2, v2.1 EDR) 2.4 – 2.5 GHz
Bluetooth (clss 2, v2.1 EDR) 2.4 – 2.5 GHz
5Kamstrup A/S • DRAFT - 55121763_A1_AU-NZ_12.2015
READy Converter · Basic
4 Mechnicl dt
LxWxD (in inches) 4.7” x 2.5” x .94” (without whip ntenn)
10.8” x 2.5” x .94” (with whip ntenn)
Weight (incl. ntenn) 5.6 oz
IP protection clss IP41
Antenn plug SMA (reversed polrity)
Chrging plug Micro USB
Temperture rnge
Chrging 50 °F – 113 °F
Opertion -14 °F - +113 °F
Storge 32 °F – 140 °F
Humidity < 85 %, non-condensing
5 Dimensions
READy Converter
120 155
65 24
Lbel re
ON/OFF button
3 x LED
2.5” .94”
6 Kamstrup A/S • DRAFT - 55121763_A1_AU-NZ_12.2015
READy Converter · Basic
6 Power supply
READy Converter
3.6 VDC internl, rechrgeble bttery
Opertion time (fully chrged) < 8 hours
Chrging time (fully dischrged) 9 hours
Chrging consumption 500 mW
To function optimlly, READy Converter, Bsic must be fully chrged t lest once every hlf yer.
230 VAC chrger
Output 5 VDC/1 A
USB cr chrger
Output 2 x 5 VDC/1 A
Supported meter types
flowIQ® 2100
flowIQ® 3101
7 Mrkings/stndrds
AS/NZS 4268:2012
Bluetooth® certifiction, QDID BO2146, EPL registrtion
8 Sfety informtion/disposl
Do not try to disssemble READy Converter.
Do not expose READy Converter to open fire.
Plese return READy Converter to Kmstrup A/S if the bove specifictions cnnot be fulfilled.
7Kamstrup A/S • DRAFT - 55121763_A1_AU-NZ_12.2015
READy Converter · Basic
9 FCC Cutions
Cution: Chnges or modifictions not expressly pproved by the prty responsible for complince
could void the user’s uthority to operte the equipment.
This device complies with Prt 15 of FCC rules.
Opertion is subject to the following 2 conditions:
1 This device my not cuse hrmful interference, nd
2 This device must ccept ny interference received, including interference tht my cuse
undesired opertion.
Note: This equipment hs been tested nd found to comply with the limits for  Clss B digitl
device, pursunt to Prt 15 of FCC rules. These limits re designed to provide resonble
protection ginst hrmful interference in  residentil instlltion. This equipment
genertes, uses nd cn rdite rdio frequency energy nd, if not instlled nd used in
ccordnce with the instructions, my cuse hrmful interference to rdio communiction.
However, there is no gurntee tht interference will not occur in  prticulr instlltion. If
this equipment does cuse hrmful interference to rdio or television reception, which cn
be determined by turning the equipment off nd on, the user is encourged to try to correct
the interference by one or more of the following mesures:
Reorient or relocte the receiving ntenn
Increse the seprtion between the equipment nd the receiver
Connect the equipment into n outlet on  circuit different from tht to which the receiver is
Consult the deler or n experienced rdio/TV technicin for help.
This equipment hs been pproved for portble opertion, nd unless otherwise dvised in
seprte supplementl instructions for individul wireless trnsmitter(s), requires minimum 0.6”
spcing be provided between ntenn(s) nd ll persons body (excluding extremities of hnds,
wrist nd feet) during wireless modes of opertion.
10 Order informtion
READy Converter Solution (complete) READyConverter I
11 Accessories
Mgnetic roof ntenn with 118” ntenn cble, complete 6696 010
Kamstrup A/S • DRAFT - 55121763_A1_AU-NZ_12.2015
READy Converter · Basic
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Kamstrup A/S OUY-READYAMR2 User manual

User manual
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