81. Pound sign (#) shows accessible menus when
access PIN is enabled but before it is entered . 99
82. Configure: Save/Restore menu...... 100
83. Configure: Set Date and Time menu .... 102
84. Configure: Path Failover ........ 102
85. Service: Library Verify menu ...... 103
86. Service: Run Tests menu ........ 103
87. Service: Service menu......... 104
88. Service: Display Contrast menu ..... 105
89. The 4U library Monitor Library: Library
Identity page ........... 107
90. The 4U library Monitor Library: Drive
Identity page showing one Ultrium 3 SAS
half height V2 drive (#1) and one Ultrium 4
SAS half height drive (#2) ....... 109
91. The 4U library Monitor Library: Library
Status page ............ 110
92. The 4U library Monitor Library: Drive Status
page .............. 112
93. The 2U library Monitor Library: Inventory
page .............. 113
94. The 4U library Monitor Library: Inventory
page (Right Magazines) ........ 114
95. Manage Library: Move Media page .... 115
96. Manage Library: Perform Inventory page 115
97. Manage Library: Release Magazine page 115
98. The 4U library Configure Library: General
and Extended page ......... 117
99. The 4U library Configure Library: Logical
Libraries page ........... 118
100. The 4U library Configure Library: Path
Failover page ........... 118
101. Path Failover license verification page 118
102. Feature Activation Key screen ...... 119
103. Configure Library: Encryption Feature
configuration screen ......... 119
104. The Configure Library: Drives page for a 2U
library .............. 121
105. The Configure Library: Drives page for a 4U
library .............. 121
106. Configure Library: Network Page ..... 122
107. Warning Screen ........... 123
108. Configure Library: User Access page 124
109. The Configure Library: Date & Time page 125
110. Configure Library: Logs & Traces page 126
111. Configure Library: Event Notification page 126
112. Configure Library: SNMP page ..... 127
113. Configure Library: Save/Restore page 129
114. No Cleaning Required ........ 129
115. No cleaning cartridge in library ..... 129
116. Service Library: Clean Drive page..... 130
117. Service Library: View Logs page ..... 131
118. Service Library: View Drive Logs screen 131
119. Service: Save Drive Dump ....... 132
120. Service Library: Perform Diagnostics page 132
121. Service Library: Perform Key Path
Diagnostics page .......... 133
122. The Service Library: Upgrade Firmware page,
showing one Ultrium 3 SAS Half Height V2
drive and one Ultrium 4 SAS Half Height
drive. .............. 135
123. Service Library: Reboot page ...... 135
124. The LTO Ultrium Data Cartridge ..... 139
125. Ultrium Data and WORM Tape Cartridges 142
126. Sample bar code label on the LTO Ultrium 8
Tape Cartridge ........... 144
127. Setting the write-protect switch ..... 145
128. Double-boxing tape cartridges for shipping 146
129. Checking for gaps in the seams of a cartridge 147
130. A 250w power supply with LEDs ..... 156
131. A 80w power supply without LEDs .... 156
132. Access holes for the left magazine .... 175
133. Access holes for the right magazine .... 176
134. Left magazine pulled out of the 2U library 176
135. Left Magazines pulled out of the 4U Library 177
136. ESD label ............. 179
137. Shipping Lock and Label Storage Location 180
138. Shipping Lock and Label ....... 180
139. Library drive sled without ElectroStatic
Discharge (ESD) springs (SCSI sled shown) . 181
140. Library drive sled with ESD springs [1] (SAS
sled shown) ............ 181
141. Drive sled components (full height fibre drive
in top position, half height SCSI drive in
middle position, half height SAS drive in
bottom position) on back panel of a 4U
library .............. 182
142. Pulling the drive sled out of the library (drive
sled without ESD springs shown) ..... 183
143. Pushing the drive sled into the library (drive
sled without ESD springs shown) ..... 184
144. Diagrams for applying conductive tape for
ESD protection to the back of a drive sled
installed in a 2U or 4U library ...... 184
145. A power supply being removed from a 2U
library .............. 187
146. A Library Controller Card being removed
from the library........... 188
147. Removing the two mounting bracket screws
anchoring the library to the rack (one screw
on each side of the library) ....... 190
148. Foot pads installed on the bottom of the
library enclosure .......... 191
149. Removing the shipping label and lock from
the top of the library and storing on the rear
panel .............. 192
150. Library shipping lock and label storage
location on the real panel of the library ... 192
151. Removing a drive sled from the library (drive
sled without ESD springs shown) ..... 193
152. Drive sled taping diagrams ....... 194
153. A power supply being removed from a
library .............. 195
154. Removing a Library Controller Card from the
library .............. 196
155. Library front panel LEDs ....... 197
156. Access hole for the left magazine (facing rear
of library)............. 198
157. Access hole for the right magazine (facing
rear of library) ........... 199
158. Left magazines pulled out of a 4U library
(facing front of library) ........ 200
xii Dell PowerVault TL2000 Tape Library and TL4000 Tape Library: User's Guide