Lava Iris X1 Atom Owner's manual

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User Guide
Model – iris X1 Atom 2
1- 4 emocleW
1.1. Exciting Features .................................... 4
2- 5 tuoyaL enohP
2.1. Keys and Parts ....................................... 5
2.2. Icons and Indicators ................................ 5
3- 6 detratS gnitteG
3.1. Insert SIM card ....................................... 6
3.2. Insert Memory card ................................. 6
3.3. Unlock the Phone.................................... 7
3.4. Using the Touch screen ........................... 8
3.5. Using the Phone’s Buttons ...................... 8
3.6. Context Menus........................................ 9
3.7. Options menus........................................ 9
3.8. Menu Icons ........................................... 10
4- Placing and Receiving Calls 10
4.1. Make a Call .......................................... 10
4.2. Disable Phone Calls (Airplane mode) .... 11
4.3. Disable SIM card .................................
. 11
5- 11 neercS emoH ehT
5.1. Open and Close the Launcher ............... 12
5.2. Switch to Recently Used Application ...... 13
5.3. Customize Home Screen ....................... 13
6- 41 tenretnI eht ot tcennoC
6.1. To configure your Internet:..................... 14
6.2. Access Internet via Wi-Fi ....................... 15
7- 51 snoitacifitoN gniganaM
7.1. Open the Notifications Panel ................. 15
7.2. Respond to Notifications ....................... 16
7.3. Close Notifications Panel ...................... 16
8- 61 gnigasseM
8.1. Message environment & Settings........... 16
8.2. Using the Onscreen Keyboa
rd ............... 18
8.3. Create and Send Multimedia Message ... 19
8.4. Operation on a message: ...................... 20
8.5. Lock a Message .................................... 20
9- 12 aidemitluM
9.1. Camera ................................................ 21
9.2. Gallery.................................................. 21
9.3. Share an Album .................................... 21
User Guide
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9.4. Music.................................................... 22
9.5. FM Radio .............................................. 22
9.6. Record Sounds ..................................... 22
9.7. Make Printscreens ................................ 23
10- Connect to Networks and Devices 23
10.1. Connect to PC .................................... 23
10.2. Connect to Internet ............................. 23
10.3. Connect to Wi-Fi Networks .................. 24
10.4. Pair W ith Bluetooth Devices ................ 24
10.5. Connect to Internet via your Phone...... 24
10.6. Install Secure Certificate from SD Card 24
11- 52 snoitacilppA daolnwoD
12- 52 sgnitteS enohP
13- Health and Safety Information 27
User Guide
Model – iris X1 Atom 4
1.1. Exciting Features
Congratulationson becomingaproudownerofiris
X1 Atom. You have now joined the mill ions of satisfied
customers spread ac ross the Globe . Your iris X1 Atom
offersyou theseexcitin g feat u re s andmuchmore:
4.0in chScreen
Cameras(f ront0.3MPandback5MP)
1.2GHzQuadco re Processor
ExternalMemory(Expandableto 32GB)
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Model – iris X1 Atom 5
2.1. Keys and Parts
1.VolumeKey 5.MenuKey 9.RearCamera
2.FrontCamera 6.HomeKey 10.Speaker
3.Receiver 7.BackKey 11.Po werKey
4.Screen 8.Flash light
2.2. Icons and Indicators
Icons Indicators Icons Indicators
Signalst re n gth
Newmissedca l l s
Bluetooth ison
isbein gused
sym bo l
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Model – iris X1 Atom 6
3.1. Insert SIM card
iris X1 Ato m is a Dual SIM mobile phone allo wing
you to use the facilit y of two networks. To insert SIM
Switch off the mobile phone and remov e the rear
cover andbatter y.
Insert the SIM card correctly in the card slot(s)
(See figure below). G/ W slot is fo r 3G network; G
Slotisfor 2G.
InsertSI Mcardcarefully!
Finally insert the battery and repla ce the rear
cover ofthemobileph one.
3.2. Insert Memory card
iris X1 Atom allows you to expa nd extern al
memorywithamicroSDca rd ,upto32GB.
Power off the mobilephone,and thenre m ove the
rearcove randbatter y.
Finallyinsert thebattery andthe rear cover ofthe
Use only compat i b l e memo ry cards approved by
with this device. Incompatible memor y cards may
User Guide
Model – iris X1 Atom 7
damage the ca rd or the device will corrupt the data
3.3. Unlock the Phone
Youmayneed toprovidePIN,Pa s sword, ordrawa
patterntounlockyo urphone.
Holdanddragtheunlockiconto therighttounlock.
You may be req uired to unlock yo u r phone based
ontheunlockmethodinsetting s.
Smartaw ake:
IrisX1Ato moffersyo usmart awakefunction,wh en
the screen is locked, you can scroll gest u res on the
screen to unlock it to enter into the designated
application,ordoublecli ckto wakeupthe screen,go to
settings>smart awake to turnon&off this function,you
can also customize the function of the l etter gestures .
Belowplsfind thelistof thedefaultfunction.
Gesture Application Gesture Application
Slideup Came ra
Slideleft Music
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Tosettheunl ockmethod:
Touc hSetups creenloc k.
Choose thetyp e of lockingas desired. Youcan set
your screen lock on the basis of p attern, PIN,
Pass wo rdornone .
3.4. Using the Touch screen
Youca n usethetou ch screeninthefollowingways :
Touch: Acts on items on the screen, such as
application and settings icons, to type lette rs and
sym bo ls using the onscreen keyboard, or to press
Touc h and hold: Touch and hold an item on the
screenuntilanactiono ccurs.
Drag: Touch and hold an item and move your
finger on the screen until yo u rea ch the ta rg et
Swip e orslide: Quickly slide your fingeracrossthe
surface of the screen, (without dragging an item).
For exampl e, slide the screen up ordown to scroll
Doubletap: Tapquicklytwiceona webpa g e , map,
or othe r screen to zoom. Fo r exa mpl e, doubl etap
a sect ion of a we b p a g e in Browser to zoom that
section tofit thewid th ofthe screen.Youca n also
doubletap to con t ro l t zoom, in Maps, and in
other applications.
Pinch: In some applications (Such as Maps,
Browser, and Gallery) you can zoom in and out by
placing two fin gers on the screen at once and
pinchingthemtogethe r(tozoomout)orspreading
Rotate the screen: On most screens, the
orientation of thescreench anges as you rotate it.
Youca n turnthisfe atu re onandoff.
3.5. Using the Phone’s Buttons
The phone’s buttons offer a lot of functions and
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Button Press
optionsandactions ,contentdepends
Home:returnstoHomescreen.Hold itto
:retu rn stothepreviousscreenyou
wereworkin g in,evenifitwa s ina d ifferent
application.Can beusedtohidethe
The phone provides you with Context menus and
Option s menusfo r accessing thefeatu r esin an intuitive
3.6. Context Menus
You can open co n t ext menu by touching
key. Not al l screens have con tex t menus. If yo u to uch
key inside appli cation that has no con t ex t menu,
Examples of contextmenu fromContacts
3.7.Op tions men us
Options menus conta i n tools thatapply to specific
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items on the screen. You can open an option by
touching and holdin g an item on the screen. Not all
Whenyou touch andholdsome itemsona screen,
anOpt io ns menuopens.
3.8. Menu Icons
You have the follo wing menu icons to easily let
youaccessitsimportantfeat u r es :
Open sthedial er
Open smessaging
Open sthemainmenu
Open stheco nt a c t slist
Open sthebrowser
Youca n di alaphonenumberortouchanum ber
in your co nt a ct s . You canal so placefrom thecall log or
conta c ts .
4.1. Make a Call
Tap the icon on ma in menu or the home
Touc h the icon on main menu or the home
screen to make a call from con tact , groups or
favor it es.
To dial an international number, touch and hold
the 0 key to enter the Plus (+) symbol , and then
enterthe international count r y prefix,followed by
Touc hthe icontoca l l wit hSIM1orSIM2.
PresstheVolume Up/Down keystoad just thecal l
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volu me .
You can accessCall Logs, Contacts from the dialer
While dur ing a cal l , tou ch the icon to end a
call .
4.2. Disable Phone Calls (Airplane mode)
Some locations like airplanes may requ i re you to turn
off your mobile, WiFi, and Bluetooth wireless
Pressandhold thePowerbutton.
TouchtheAirplanemode .
4.3. Disable SIM card
Ifyo u wa n t totoclo setheSIMcard, todoitgoto:
Whenyo u signin ,thehomes creenopens.
TheHo me screenis you r start i ng point toaccessall the
featu r es on yo u r phone. To uch the main menu icon at
the bottom of the screen to view al l installed
Tou ch and hold an empty spo t to
Thestat us barshowsthetime,
signalstren gth ,b attery status,
andnotif ication.
Tou chaniconto launchthe
corresponding application; bo ttom
icons are accessible from all
desktopscreens .
Tou ch and ho ld to move orrem o ve
User Guide
Model – iris X1 Atom 12
5.1. Open and Close the Launcher
Touch the Launcher Icon
to open the main menu.
You have access to all applicaons installed on
your device and their widgets when available.
Touch an applicaon to open and launch it.
To add an applicaon shortcut to the desktop
screen, press and hold it unl it vibrates and enters
Home screen. Place it and release your finger.
Slide the Launcher le or right to bring more icons
into view.
As soon as you install a new applicaon, it comes
in this list.
Widgets come when you press menu key on th
home screen. You can directly touch WIDGETS at below
of the screen
You cannot launch widget like an applicaon; you
can only place it on desktop screen.
Press and hold it unl it vibrates and enters Home
User Guide
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screen.Placeit andre l ease your finger.A cont ex t menu
opens to co nf igu re the widget or resize it , naturally, it
PressHomeiconorBackicontoclo setheLauncher.
5.2. Switch to Recently Used Application
Pressandhold the iconforafewseconds.
Touc h an icon to open its application. Or press
toreturn tothecurrentapplication.
5.3. Customize Home Screen
You can add applications, shortcuts, widgets , and
other items to any part of the Home screen or ch ange
thewa l l p a p e r.
Press toopentheHomescreen.
Touc h the Launcher Icon to open the main
To add an appli cation sh ortcut to the desktop
screen, press and hold it until it vibrates and
enters Home screen. Place it and re leas e your
Press toopentheHomescreen.
Touc h the Laun cher Icon on yo u r ho me
Touc hwidgetsonthetopofscreen.
Youareinthemainwi d getsscreen,youca n 
Dragawid get to ahomescreen:To u ch andhold
the widget’s icon, slide yo ur fin ger where you
want toplaceit,andliftyou r finger.
You may be as ked to make further choi ces
before the widget activates. If there isn’t ro om
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where you dropped it, the wid get wo n ’ t get
addedtotheHo meScreen.
Wallpapers: Wallpapers are images from Galle ry, still
images included with thesystem , and live images. They
taketheplace of thedefaultbackgroundfor you r Home
Touc h and hold anywhere on a desktop Ho me
that’s not occupied. A list of options
Touc honeofthefollo w i n gwallpapersource:
o Gallery: Choose from pictures that yo u ’v e
taken wit h ca me ra or downloaded to you r
o Live Wallpaper: Choose from a scrolling
list of animated wallpapers.Even you can
choose a video file from yo u r Video
Wallpaperfolder .
o Wallpaper: Choo se from thumbnails of
For set wallpaper, tou ch SET WALLPAPER at the
top of the screen (for Gallery images) or set
wall p a p e r.
Folde rs: You ca n ver y easily re g roup desktop icons in a
fold e r on screen to save spa ce and access more
Touc h and hold any icon on desktop screen to
Go on another icon and re leas e to create a
fold e r containingbothicons.
Then add asmanyiconsas fol d e r can hold,give
itaname,moveitwh ere youwant .
Youhaveallthetoolstocu stomizeyour Phone.
6.1. To configure your Internet:
Go to Settings> Wireless & Networks >More >
By default, your network provider sends the
Access Point Name settings via SMS, or it com es
automatically with yo u r SIM ca rd. You may need to
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Model – iris X1 Atom 15
install these settings. After this, you can choose from
thelistedaccess pointnames. Iftheac cesspointnames
are not listed by default, please co nta c t yo u r network
providerfor thesame.
To add any operator Access point Name, go to
settings > Mor e > Mobi le networks > Access Point
WARNING: to avoid any over cost contact yo u r
operator to know more ab ou t Access Point Nam e
regardingyo u r subscription.
Afteryouhaveselectedorcon f i g u red theaccess
pointname ,gotoSettings>Wireless&Networks>Data
usage>TapMo bi l eDatatoenabl eInternetconnection.
6.2. Access Internet via Wi-Fi
Go to Menu> System settings> wireless &
networksandthen ta pWiFi.
Next, go to Menu> settings> wireless &
networks>WiFiSettingsand thenenable WiFi.Next,
Notificationiconsinformyo u ofnewmessagesand
events. When you re cei ve a notification, its icon
appears in the status bar, alon g with a summary that
7.1. Open the Notifications Panel
Drag the stat u s bar down from the top of the
screenas shownbelow:
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The Notifications panel displays you r network
providernameandalistofyou r currentnotifications.
7.2. Respond to Notifications
Open the notification pane l and tou ch a
notification to resp o nd to it. What happens next
7.3. Close Notifications Panel
Drag the tab at the bottom of the Notifications
panel to the to p of the screen. Or just press the back
button. The panel also closes wh en yo u to uch a
notificationtorespon d toit.
8.1. Message environment & Settings
You can use Messagin g to exchange text messages
andmultimediamessa geswit hyourfriend s.
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You can also press the
key and open th e
contex t menutowo r k onmessagesandtheirsettings.
Tou chtocompo se anewtextor
multimediam essage.
Tou ch to open a messaging
conversati on
User Guide
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The messages settingsallow yo u to set SMS/MMS
limits, n otifications, vibrate or ringtones, delivery
repor tsandmanyothe rs.
Take a tour and exp l ore messages settings, you ’ l l
findinterestingthings .
8.2. Using the Onscreen Keyboard
In ot he rs, yo u touch a text field where yo u want to
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8.3. Create and Send Multimedia Message
A Message becomes an MMS if you send it to an
email address, or add mulmedia media le(s).
Touch compose new message.
Recipient zone: write the
name, the number or tap the
icon on right to access
contacts list
Touch once to capitalize the next
leer you type. Touch and hold
or double tap for CapsLock.
Secondary characters panel
(special, symbols, numbers)
This is to erase characters
This is enter key, press it
then cursor move to next
Write your message here. Aer
typing, press
icon to close
the keyboard.
Touch and hold the text eld to
open a menu and to copy/cut
Chose the SIM card you want
to send your message with.
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Enter or select a mobile phone number.
Touch the composion text box and write your
Touch the key to open the context menu.
Touch Aach to aach various types of les.
Send the MMS.
8.4. Operation on a message:
Open the message thread containing the message
your want to operate.
Touch and hold this message unl a context
menu opens.
Make your choice.
To forward a message:
Touch Forward in this menu.
Add a contact.
Touch Send to send the message.
You can also Copy message text, Save message to SIM
card, View message details and delete message.
8.5. Lock a Message
You can lock a message so it wont be deleted if
you reach your storage limits.
Touch and hold message in a message window.