Lava Iris X1 Atom Owner's manual

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User Guide
Model – iris X1 Atom 2
1- 4 emocleW
1.1. Exciting Features .................................... 4
2- 5 tuoyaL enohP
2.1. Keys and Parts ....................................... 5
2.2. Icons and Indicators ................................ 5
3- 6 detratS gnitteG
3.1. Insert SIM card ....................................... 6
3.2. Insert Memory card ................................. 6
3.3. Unlock the Phone.................................... 7
3.4. Using the Touch screen ........................... 8
3.5. Using the Phone’s Buttons ...................... 8
3.6. Context Menus........................................ 9
3.7. Options menus........................................ 9
3.8. Menu Icons ........................................... 10
4- Placing and Receiving Calls 10
4.1. Make a Call .......................................... 10
4.2. Disable Phone Calls (Airplane mode) .... 11
4.3. Disable SIM card .................................
. 11
5- 11 neercS emoH ehT
5.1. Open and Close the Launcher ............... 12
5.2. Switch to Recently Used Application ...... 13
5.3. Customize Home Screen ....................... 13
6- 41 tenretnI eht ot tcennoC
6.1. To configure your Internet:..................... 14
6.2. Access Internet via Wi-Fi ....................... 15
7- 51 snoitacifitoN gniganaM
7.1. Open the Notifications Panel ................. 15
7.2. Respond to Notifications ....................... 16
7.3. Close Notifications Panel ...................... 16
8- 61 gnigasseM
8.1. Message environment & Settings........... 16
8.2. Using the Onscreen Keyboa
rd ............... 18
8.3. Create and Send Multimedia Message ... 19
8.4. Operation on a message: ...................... 20
8.5. Lock a Message .................................... 20
9- 12 aidemitluM
9.1. Camera ................................................ 21
9.2. Gallery.................................................. 21
9.3. Share an Album .................................... 21
User Guide
Model – iris X1 Atom 3
9.4. Music.................................................... 22
9.5. FM Radio .............................................. 22
9.6. Record Sounds ..................................... 22
9.7. Make Printscreens ................................ 23
10- Connect to Networks and Devices 23
10.1. Connect to PC .................................... 23
10.2. Connect to Internet ............................. 23
10.3. Connect to Wi-Fi Networks .................. 24
10.4. Pair W ith Bluetooth Devices ................ 24
10.5. Connect to Internet via your Phone...... 24
10.6. Install Secure Certificate from SD Card 24
11- 52 snoitacilppA daolnwoD
12- 52 sgnitteS enohP
13- Health and Safety Information 27
User Guide
Model – iris X1 Atom 4
1.1. Exciting Features
Congratulationson becomingaproudownerofiris
X1 Atom. You have now joined the mill ions of satisfied
customers spread ac ross the Globe . Your iris X1 Atom
offersyou theseexcitin g feat u re s andmuchmore:
 Android4.4.2
 4.0in chScreen
 Cameras(f ront0.3MPandback5MP)
1.2GHzQuadco re Processor
 ExternalMemory(Expandableto 32GB)
 DualSIM
 Multimediaplayer
 Gravitysensor
 Wi‐Fi
 Bluetooth 
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2.1. Keys and Parts
1.VolumeKey  5.MenuKey 9.RearCamera
2.FrontCamera 6.HomeKey 10.Speaker
3.Receiver 7.BackKey  11.Po werKey
4.Screen 8.Flash light 
2.2. Icons and Indicators
Icons Indicators Icons Indicators
Signalst re n gth 
Newmissedca l l s
Bluetooth ison
isbein gused
sym bo l
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Model – iris X1 Atom 6
3.1. Insert SIM card
iris X1 Ato m is a Dual SIM mobile  phone allo wing
you to use the facilit y of two networks. To insert SIM
 Switch  off the mobile phone and remov e the rear 
cover andbatter y.
 Insert the SIM card correctly in the card slot(s)
(See figure below). G/ W slot is fo r  3G network; G
Slotisfor 2G.
InsertSI Mcardcarefully!
 Finally insert the battery and repla ce  the rear 
cover ofthemobileph one.
3.2. Insert Memory card
iris X1 Atom  allows you to expa nd extern al 
memorywithamicroSDca rd ,upto32GB.
 Power  off the mobilephone,and thenre m ove  the
rearcove randbatter y.
 Insertthememorycardintotheslot.
 Finallyinsert  thebattery andthe rear cover ofthe
Use only compat i b l e  memo ry cards approved by
with this device. Incompatible  memor y cards may
User Guide
Model – iris X1 Atom 7
damage the ca rd or the device will corrupt the data
storedinthecard. 
3.3. Unlock the Phone
Youmayneed toprovidePIN,Pa s sword, ordrawa
patterntounlockyo urphone.
 Pressthepowerkeytowakeupthephone.
 Holdanddragtheunlockiconto therighttounlock.
You may be req uired  to unlock yo u r  phone based
ontheunlockmethodinsetting s.
Smartaw ake: 
IrisX1Ato moffersyo usmart awakefunction,wh en 
the screen is locked, you  can  scroll gest u res on the
screen to unlock it  to  enter into the designated
application,ordoublecli ckto wakeupthe screen,go to
settings‐>smart awake to turnon&off this function,you
can also customize the function of the l etter gestures . 
Belowplsfind thelistof thedefaultfunction.
Gesture Application Gesture Application
Slideup Came ra
Slideleft Music
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Model – iris X1 Atom 8
Tosettheunl ockmethod:
 Onthemainmenu,touchSettings>Security.
 Touc hSetups creenloc k.
 Choose thetyp e of lockingas desired. Youcan set
your  screen lock on the basis of p attern,  PIN,
Pass wo rdornone .
3.4. Using the Touch screen
Youca n usethetou ch screeninthefollowingways : 
 Touch: Acts on items on the screen, such as
application and settings icons, to type lette rs and
sym bo ls using the onscreen keyboard, or to press
 Touc h and hold: Touch and hold an item on the
screenuntilanactiono ccurs.
 Drag: Touch  and  hold  an item and move your 
finger on the screen until yo u  rea ch  the ta rg et
 Swip e orslide: Quickly slide your  fingeracrossthe
surface of the screen, (without dragging an item).
For exampl e, slide the screen up ordown to scroll
 Double‐tap: Tapquicklytwiceona webpa g e ,  map,
or othe r screen to zoom.  Fo r  exa mpl e,  doubl e‐tap
a sect ion of  a we b p a g e  in  Browser to zoom that
section tofit thewid th  ofthe screen.Youca n also
double‐tap  to con t ro l  t zoom, in Maps, and in
other applications.
 Pinch: In some  applications (Such  as Maps,
Browser, and Gallery) you can zoom in and out by
placing two fin gers on the screen at once and
pinchingthemtogethe r(tozoomout)orspreading
 Rotate the screen: On  most screens, the
orientation of thescreench anges as you  rotate  it.
Youca n turnthisfe atu re onandoff.
3.5. Using the Phone’s Buttons
The phone’s buttons offer a lot of functions and
User Guide
Model – iris X1 Atom 9
Button Press
optionsandactions ,contentdepends
Home:returnstoHomescreen.Hold itto
:retu rn stothepreviousscreenyou
wereworkin g in,evenifitwa s ina d ifferent
application.Can beusedtohidethe
The phone provides you with Context menus and
Option s  menusfo r  accessing thefeatu r esin an intuitive 
3.6. Context Menus
You can open co n t ext  menu by touching 
key. Not al l screens have con tex t  menus. If yo u to uch 
 key inside appli cation that has no con t ex t  menu,
Examples of context menu from Contacts
3.7.Op tions men us
Options menus conta i n tools thatapply to specific 
User Guide
Model – iris X1 Atom 10
items on the screen. You can  open an option  by
touching and holdin g an item on the screen. Not all
Whenyou  touch andholdsome itemsona screen,
anOpt io ns menuopens.
3.8. Menu Icons
You have the follo wing menu icons to easily let
youaccessitsimportantfeat u r es : 
Open sthedial er
Open smessaging
Open sthemainmenu 
Open stheco nt a c t slist 
Open sthebrowser
Youca n di alaphonenumberortouchanum ber
in your co nt a ct s .  You canal so placefrom thecall  log or
conta c ts . 
4.1. Make a Call
 Tap  the  icon on ma in menu or the home
 Touc h the  icon on main  menu or the home 
screen to make a call from con tact , groups or
favor it es.
 To dial an international number, touch and hold
the 0 key to enter the Plus (+) symbol , and then
enterthe international count r y  prefix,followed by
 Touc hthe  icontoca l l wit hSIM1orSIM2.
 PresstheVolume Up/Down keystoad just thecal l 
User Guide
Model – iris X1 Atom 11
volu me . 
 You can accessCall Logs, Contacts from the dialer
 While dur ing a cal l , tou ch the  icon to end a
call . 
4.2. Disable Phone Calls (Airplane mode)
Some locations like airplanes may requ i re you to turn
off your mobile, Wi‐Fi, and Bluetooth wireless
 Pressandhold thePowerbutton.
 TouchtheAirplanemode . 
4.3. Disable SIM card
Ifyo u wa n t totoclo setheSIMcard, todoitgoto:
Whenyo u signin ,thehomes creenopens.
TheHo me screenis you r  start i ng  point toaccessall the
featu r es  on yo u r  phone. To uch the main menu icon at
the bottom of the screen to view al l installed
Tou ch and hold an empty spo t to
Thestat us barshowsthetime,
signalstren gth ,b attery status,
andnotif ication.
Tou chaniconto launchthe
corresponding application; bo ttom 
icons are accessible from all 
desktopscreens .
Tou ch and ho ld to move orrem o ve
User Guide
Model – iris X1 Atom 12
5.1. Open and Close the Launcher
Touch the Launcher Icon
to open the main menu.
You have access to all applicaξ†Ÿons installed on
your device and their widgets when available.
Touch an applicaξ†Ÿon to open and launch it.
To add an applicaξ†Ÿon shortcut to the desktop
screen, press and hold it unξ†Ÿl it vibrates and enters
Home screen. Place it and release your finger.
Slide the Launcher leξ…Œ or right to bring more icons
into view.
As soon as you install a new applicaξ†Ÿon, it comes
in this list.
Widgets come when you press menu key on th
home screen. You can directly touch WIDGETS at below
of the screen
You cannot launch widget like an applicaξ†Ÿon; you
can only place it on desktop screen.
Press and hold it unξ†Ÿl it vibrates and enters Home
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Model – iris X1 Atom 13
screen.Placeit andre l ease  your  finger.A cont ex t menu
opens to co nf igu re  the widget  or resize it , naturally, it 
PressHomeiconorBackicontoclo setheLauncher.
5.2. Switch to Recently Used Application
 Pressandhold the  iconforafewseconds.
 Touc h an icon to open  its application. Or press
 toreturn tothecurrentapplication.
5.3. Customize Home Screen
You can  add applications, shortcuts, widgets , and
other  items to any part  of the Home screen or ch ange
thewa l l p a p e r.
 Press toopentheHomescreen.
 Touc h the Launcher Icon  to open the main
 To add an appli cation sh ortcut to the desktop
screen, press and hold it until it vibrates and
enters Home screen. Place it and re leas e  your 
 Press toopentheHomescreen.
 Touc h the Laun cher Icon on yo u r  ho me
 Touc hwidgetsonthetopofscreen.
Youareinthemainwi d getsscreen,youca n 
 Movebetweenscreens:Swipeleftorright
 Dragawid get to ahomescreen:To u ch andhold
the widget’s icon, slide yo ur  fin ger where  you 
want toplaceit,andliftyou r finger.
 You may be as ked to make further choi ces
before the widget  activates. If there isn’t ro om 
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where you dropped it, the wid get wo n ’ t  get 
addedtotheHo meScreen.
Wallpapers: Wallpapers are images from Galle ry, still
images included with thesystem , and live images. They
taketheplace of thedefaultbackgroundfor  you r  Home
 Touc h and hold anywhere on a desktop Ho me
 that’s not occupied. A list of options
 Touc honeofthefollo w i n gwallpapersource: 
o Gallery: Choose  from pictures that yo u ’v e 
taken wit h ca me ra or downloaded to  you r 
o Live Wallpaper: Choose from a scrolling 
list of  animated wallpapers.Even you  can
choose a video  file from yo u r  Video
Wallpaperfolder .
o Wallpaper: Choo se from thumbnails of
 For set wallpaper, tou ch SET WALLPAPER at the
top of the screen (for Gallery images) or set
wall p a p e r.
Folde rs:  You ca n  ver y  easily re g roup  desktop icons in a
fold e r  on screen to  save spa ce and access more
 Touc h and hold  any icon on desktop screen to
 Go on another icon and re leas e  to create  a
fold e r containingbothicons.
 Then add asmanyiconsas fol d e r can hold,give
itaname,moveitwh ere youwant .
Youhaveallthetoolstocu stomizeyour Phone.
6.1. To configure your Internet:
 Go to Settings> Wireless & Networks >More >
 By default, your  network provider sends the
Access Point  Name settings via SMS, or it com es
automatically with yo u r  SIM ca rd.  You may need to
User Guide
Model – iris X1 Atom 15
install these settings. After this, you  can choose from
thelistedaccess pointnames. Iftheac cesspointnames
are not listed by default, please co nta c t  yo u r  network
providerfor thesame.
 To add  any operator Access point Name, go to
settings > Mor e > Mobi le networks > Access Point
WARNING: to avoid  any over cost contact yo u r 
operator to know more ab ou t Access Point Nam e
regardingyo u r subscription. 
 Afteryouhaveselectedorcon f i g u red theaccess
pointname ,gotoSettings>Wireless&Networks>Data
usage>TapMo bi l eDatatoenabl eInternetconnection.
6.2. Access Internet via Wi-Fi
 Go to  Menu> System settings> wireless &
networksandthen ta pWi‐Fi.
 Next, go  to  Menu> settings> wireless &
networks>Wi‐FiSettingsand thenenable Wi‐Fi.Next,
Notificationiconsinformyo u ofnewmessagesand
events. When you re cei ve a notification, its icon
appears in the status bar, alon g with  a summary that
7.1. Open the Notifications Panel
Drag the stat u s bar down from the top of the
screenas shownbelow:
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The Notifications panel displays you r  network
providernameandalistofyou r currentnotifications.
7.2. Respond to Notifications
Open the notification pane l and tou ch a
notification to resp o nd  to it. What happens next
7.3. Close Notifications Panel
Drag the tab at  the bottom of  the Notifications
panel to the to p of the screen. Or  just press the back
button. The panel also closes  wh en yo u to uch a
notificationtorespon d toit.
8.1. Message environment & Settings
You can use Messagin g to exchange  text  messages
andmultimediamessa geswit hyourfriend s.
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You can  also press the
key and open th e
contex t menutowo r k onmessagesandtheirsettings.
Tou chtocompo se anewtextor
multimediam essage.
Tou ch to  open a messaging
conversati on 
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The messages settingsallow yo u  to set SMS/MMS
limits, n otifications, vibrate or ringtones, delivery 
repor tsandmanyothe rs.
Take  a tour  and exp l ore  messages settings, you ’ l l 
findinterestingthings .
8.2. Using the Onscreen Keyboard
In ot he rs, yo u  touch  a text field where yo u  want  to 
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8.3. Create and Send Multimedia Message
A Message becomes an MMS if you send it to an
email address, or add mulξ†Ÿmedia media file(s).
 Touch compose new message.
Recipient zone: write the
name, the number or tap the
icon on right to access
contacts list
Touch once to capitalize the next
leer you type. Touch and hold
or double tap for CapsLock.
Secondary characters panel
(special, symbols, numbers)
This is to erase characters
This is enter key, press it
then cursor move to next
Write your message here. Aξ…Œer
typing, press
icon to close
the keyboard.
Touch and hold the text field to
open a menu and to copy/cut
Chose the SIM card you want
to send your message with.
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 Enter or select a mobile phone number.
 Touch the composiξ†Ÿon text box and write your
 Touch the key to open the context menu.
 Touch Aach to aach various types of files.
 Send the MMS.
8.4. Operation on a message:
 Open the message thread containing the message
your want to operate.
 Touch and hold this message unξ†Ÿl a context
menu opens.
 Make your choice.
To forward a message:
 Touch Forward in this menu.
 Add a contact.
 Touch Send to send the message.
You can also Copy message text, Save message to SIM
card, View message details and delete message.
8.5. Lock a Message
You can lock a message so it won’t be deleted if
you reach your storage limits.
 Touch and hold message in a message window.