User Guide
Model – iris X1 Atom 8
Tosettheunl ockmethod:
Touc hSetups creenloc k.
Choose thetyp e of lockingas desired. Youcan set
your screen lock on the basis of p attern, PIN,
Pass wo rdornone .
3.4. Using the Touch screen
Youca n usethetou ch screeninthefollowingways :
Touch: Acts on items on the screen, such as
application and settings icons, to type lette rs and
sym bo ls using the onscreen keyboard, or to press
Touc h and hold: Touch and hold an item on the
screenuntilanactiono ccurs.
Drag: Touch and hold an item and move your
finger on the screen until yo u rea ch the ta rg et
Swip e orslide: Quickly slide your fingeracrossthe
surface of the screen, (without dragging an item).
For exampl e, slide the screen up ordown to scroll
Double‐tap: Tapquicklytwiceona webpa g e , map,
or othe r screen to zoom. Fo r exa mpl e, doubl e‐tap
a sect ion of a we b p a g e in Browser to zoom that
section tofit thewid th ofthe screen.Youca n also
double‐tap to con t ro l t zoom, in Maps, and in
other applications.
Pinch: In some applications (Such as Maps,
Browser, and Gallery) you can zoom in and out by
placing two fin gers on the screen at once and
pinchingthemtogethe r(tozoomout)orspreading
Rotate the screen: On most screens, the
orientation of thescreench anges as you rotate it.
Youca n turnthisfe atu re onandoff.
3.5. Using the Phone’s Buttons
The phone’s buttons offer a lot of functions and