Games Database BLACK TIGER Operating instructions

Operating instructions

Games Database BLACK TIGER, a thrilling adventure game set in a mystical realm, transports you to a world of captivating challenges and epic battles. As the valiant Black Tiger, your mission is to restore peace to a kingdom plagued by demonic forces and malevolent creatures.

With a diverse range of enemies to conquer, including goblins, dragons, and treacherous traps, BLACK TIGER demands strategic thinking and lightning-fast reflexes. Discover hidden treasures, collect magical items, and utilize powerful spells to aid your quest.

Immerse yourself in the captivating storyline as you progress through perilous dungeons, encounter enigmatic characters, and uncover the secrets of the ancient kingdom. Experience the excitement of intense boss battles, where your skills and courage will be put to the ultimate test.

Games Database BLACK TIGER, a thrilling adventure game set in a mystical realm, transports you to a world of captivating challenges and epic battles. As the valiant Black Tiger, your mission is to restore peace to a kingdom plagued by demonic forces and malevolent creatures.

With a diverse range of enemies to conquer, including goblins, dragons, and treacherous traps, BLACK TIGER demands strategic thinking and lightning-fast reflexes. Discover hidden treasures, collect magical items, and utilize powerful spells to aid your quest.

Immerse yourself in the captivating storyline as you progress through perilous dungeons, encounter enigmatic characters, and uncover the secrets of the ancient kingdom. Experience the excitement of intense boss battles, where your skills and courage will be put to the ultimate test.

CEM 64/a2a Cas3€ttc
P|tg A|I|FT and lUfLtsroP k€ys togethci Pt* PUrY on
thc .!ett deck th€n follow on sreen prompt3.
cBu 64/a28 Dkk
SPETCTRUM 48K Ca3s€tte
slPElcTRUM +2 Cas6€tte
PBs ENIIX on the tOAltlR optlotr. P.66 Pr,/lY on the
@stte d*k thcn follow on ren prodpts.
stPECTRUlr| +3 Dlrk
tum on computa, In*rt d|3k and pres ENrEf, on the
l,{t^ltDi optld and th. wlll lo.d and run
A.IISTRAD CFC Ca.!*3€tt€
P'sCTa|,6nd.mll lmDnk tr together th€n pt€ PL{Y
on th. @sttc ddk.
TyF RUll-DElltand pl€sE|lT!f,, thegam.wlll th€n l@d
and run automti@lly.
Syltch d lh€ onputd.nd In*nthegamedl3k, th. game
wlll thcn l@d ad Dn auto@il@lly.
S*ltch on the @mplt€r.nd lRft th€ gaft dblr th€ gam€
wlll ths lodd and ru..utorotldlly.
(dg.go, thE Gvll dEgori dclc€nded f@m the 3kl€ and
b.@ghti .lghunlrc of<hrrs.s and detru.tlon to. ore
gcrcctul klngdom, abm thl3 3ulfenn& emerg€d. poerful
and h6E mrlorwho fought.galn.t Olc dcnonlc Dragon3
and lt€moN to 6torc law.nd ordd ln h|3 nom.l6nd. H€
vli kn<m only a th€ Blek Tlg.r. You trk€ on the rcle of
Bla.kTlg€rand€nter.rl.lstdf.nt cymrldof cndlsand
rh. g!re @Nl,rls of .tage In vhlch you datroy wrlow
fanbly o.lcdtcd opponent!, @llet Enny @lD, open
trc$urc ch€sb {vltb k€F) and bMk oDen codtatdd thrt
hold elth€i tEluE or rtllatns. [email protected] . numb€r of Old
M.n frqrn d@g th. wy vho my wad you ll you fi€e
tlEm. soft qlw clu€s to tlE grmc otheE glrc you mre
plrytlm€, hon.yorvlt lltylbttds-whlle$me.ll@you
to buygapo8, amui, keys and Douods ftm th€m. Attd
yd src 6n Old li.r!, h€ wlll dltappear, Sadng Enty @lng
rllosyd to vlrtd. lt€ru8you prcgr4. lalou
buy oE oa ttE f@r v.tDons .Pllahlc" a y@Don Dowr
numbq app.aF ||€n to |lrc l@n at th. f@t or
the *.ccd. Yd .utomtl@lly thrcw *l@l knlvq3 each
trm treu @ tour vapod.
l!.h !t!gc crds *|rh r mqror vlllaln, You m5y cdcdnt€r
Dbdr flca.l a|Ic Dr4onr Sp.5r Throulig D€m8, Blue
Samunl Dngo6, ncd Draqonr Gold s.muEl DhgoB ot
oFnlng, t|!@E clst @n MasI od€ of the folldlng:
AD houfgla$ {glE rcE tlmc), a bnrcn or gold. Take
c!t€, lrft @ntlln flrc @lumrB that @n <i.m4€ you,
ttonur€s.E g.lned by @ll€.ung varloB .hanct€F, th€*
lrclude c.D@rn @vs, clveg haieb.nd staB.
vlllalN you hill [email protected]
chutrks of ltod€ that bounc€s
out of thcgoundrnd [email protected]
to chop td wlth h|3 brttle dc,
OnE RaD.. l|.b3 - comc In avo varl€tl€s. One gen€rates
rcd fl rc @lumn!lnd on. g.ncrat€sblu€ fr6t.olumm, The
blu€ fort (olunns rerM thc rlght and l€ft on tourloFtlck,
Both go eth@l wh€n atteked,
SDc.r Thloul.C - stan3 out a a sDherc, Un.urls
ad n |c. .rcundrthrowlng lp€!E,
afd. - lctr.l td you lf louch€rd.
idb - a.ll fro[l vartou! pl.c6 vh€n trlgg€r€d by PIaFr
boune a @upld of lln€r thcn dblntegEt€,
Vll. Yl.l.- llttbblue blobs th.t bob sEUnd and try to touch
Joystlck Clontrolg
mov€, Jut throws ilreballs 6t you, It
as rong.! you k*P hlttlng lt,
)us v.rl.ty of^udrey ll. lf tou arc
ry lll plrnt 'o vlll not throu the
lom tne Old M.n $lll cqrc Ftsn.
@ r99O Co. Llhlied. All rtghts !€*n.d.
manuractured un<l€r ll@n* fbm
CAPCOM CO. Japan, Blacx Tlg€.ri add Cap@mri or
nartG ot CAPCOM CO., LTD.
dlstrlbut€d under ll@n* by U,S. OOI,D
nolfod Way, nolfod, Almlngh.m
I o2l 625 3388.
Copyright subsisrs on thls progEm. U.authori$.| copylnq.
lendlngor rel+ by any de6ns ls sirtctly p@hlbit€d-
th€ rlght or l€ft Ft the top orhls 6rc'
€BM 64/12a Caas€tte
Appu'€z 3ur 16 touche s|l|rT et f,Ult/sToP
.hult nament. Apputrz lur PUrYsur wtr€ d.gnao?hon€
et 3ulwr l€ Imtructlom sr l€@n,
CBM 641128 Dbquett€
Tap€r l,O Dtr.',4,1 et appuy€z sur la tou.b. rtTt Rlt
[email protected] l.s ltutructloni sui l'acEn,
SPECTRUII 48|i Cas€Gtte
faDE aaAD"".r apptryd 3ur la touche a(t!f,, sppuy€z
sur PUIY 3ur votrc mrgn€tophonc.
SPECTRUII +2ca..€tt€
Appuy€2iurlatdch€ENltidel'optlonl,O ltEl-Appuy.t
{r PLAY sur @trc mrgn€tophone et sulv€r l€! lNtd.llont
SPECTRUII +5 Dlrqu€tte
arrunc2 r'ordln.t€ur. Introdul.€2 ra dlsquettc €t .pply€z
$rlE tou.h€ Erltf,de l'optld IOADER, L€Jcu*chargen
et * d€@ul@ automtlqqerncnt,
A STBAD CFC C;6es€tte
Appule .ur l€ t@che Cr , €t lNtEf, min@l€
Blmultan€m€nt. Appuy€z sr PLAY sr votr€ rnrgn€tophon€,
Alr|ltTnAD CFC Dkqu€tte
TaFz f,lr!-Dlslt€t appu'@ &. ENllB. Lejeu & chttg€ra
et * d€rcul@ automtlquftnt,
ATA.RI ST Dkquette
l.ttodulsz 16 dlqu€tt? allume l'odlnateur et l€Jeu *
ch.rg€E .t * d€bul€r! autonutlqu€ment.
CB A|rfIGA Dlsquettc
Allum€z l ordlnateur. Introdul*r la d|8querk €t leleu *
charged ct * d€rcul€r. autohatlqucm.nt.
Il y a longtemF 5 di.g@r damoniaqucs dwndircnt d.
It.l€..t.gportar€nt d€structlon et t@frenir e un royaum€
pablble. AprCs de longue $uafnn@, un gu€rrla
.dEgeur Bl*k Tlg€r, d€clda d. 3€l4er @trc 6
d€tlM! Dou..€ pa|r. vous €te abck Tlgs et rcu!
6ll€r d&divdr c mdde 3ln|3tre od tactlon *ra
p.$lonrantc €t lant ltlque.
lzJcudnprcndplusl€[email protected] llfaut
d€tru|rc d6 nombEu adt€Ml6- aeumul.r 16 r€nnle
(IrMnll€ l@l€), €t @vrlr dc mdl6 di, I on tuw <ks
t!€sB ou dB €nncmls, La sgd du royaum ont €t€
p€trlfi€s €t ll faud.a que bu 16 llb€rl€r. en €chang€, lls
rfus r€ r@. oili.nt des atuc6, du tcnpd
suppl€mentllrc d d* potlons haglqu6, D'6urEe @3
pbpo*rcnt d a.h.t€. de am€s, dB bou.ll*, de cl€3
c et pour lalre
ces ach.t! qu'll wus faut €cemle. le
,dd6, 4 am* $nt A 6trc dlspcltlon: lo6qu€ ves
a.h€t€z un., un Indle d€ e Dolmlr apparult a .6.e de
I L6n€€n bas d€ l'€cEn, chaqucfol!que rcusws.€|ag
de rctrc am€, rcB let€r 4 polgmrds.
Cnaque nl@u * temlne par la @nfbnt tlon d'u. moBtre
vorB.encont.eEz: LrTCtedePl€rr€, Un D€mon-L!@l€., Un
Dngon-Samoural Br€!, Un Drrgon Rouge, Un Dr.gon-
36rcural Dol€ et Un Dragon roli
L$ @[iB Deuwt renf€mf un ebll€r (pl8 d€ t€mpB).
qn. lsdt€he d€ l or ,., Dl! att€.tl@, lls Deuwnt au$l
@ntenlr ds colonne de feu dangereus,
V(M pou€ ausl 6mer de FFnmg4: da3 veh6
C.Fotlr, d6 elae, d6 tonnau& d6 €toll€. Ces
p€Mtr@g@ voN <tonnent dcr pol.ts supDl€mentrr6.
voq! cn ootrercz au3sl dcs donstr€s nolnr tcrdll.nbl
n r Dlo€ dc pLr|l - qul p.qvcnl vou, €(r.*r.
n6 rquclcat6-qul stdt de tcn€, pou ruJetd ldf
<lan6. Vour ne pol|E 16 aucrque loBqu'll! ldt snl! de
1,.l,qtl. dcu- @l es6al€ d€ vour ar.nch€. h t.t€.v€c€r
16 .il!6 td|Ist! - qul .dt ltrlmncb.
16 rc@16 - @l cncncna du acu.
Audrrt ll - plante qmlwE.
/rudEy ||r - van€G vtncncusc d'Ardr€y lL Sl !/ous €tcr
ehpol$in€ par unc planteaudr€t lll, rcB n. po|t€ lds
le polgnrnls et l€ potloB EndB pd ld sq6 pqrMt
Da@. .ncncu aL. Door.r & ftr - Ardd w[. lca
frEpp.r l|3 nc pcrent dBJctd dc f.u.
ntul&bE.ur - 2 v.n&&r !'un l€tt€ da.olon!6 dc fd
rcug6. l'autrcl€tte de! coloorer<k fcu blcucr ct glrcaca,
L€s colonB d€ 6.u bl4e InEent le .m|rmd4
dreltdglu.hc du lotltick.
I'.!d-L.Elc. - Unc lpharc Jqw pqr wlc. ct Dou.
Olr..or - tldt€b sl vo6 16 tou<hd,
Cdllou - lls tmbent rebondlsnr et *
ftol6 -Goufte bl.u6 qui tombenl.t ru acllhousnt.
Les Itanett€s Haut
BOUtOfl FEIJ - aeu
sl b6 6pluler wB le tEut €t pull drclt€/g.uch€, y.'1,
sonde pru3 t4d 6ra.k Tlg€r saul€ w6 lc drclte/geu.hc.
Corarnandeg de Clavler
cBt 64t128
Pau* <ouD€ - Boutd rEU
|(- Clavl€r dannhi.rrle par lutlllsteur,
J - Jolsdck l.cmpaton.
s - Joy.tlck Slnclalr.
|( - Clavld d€nnlsbl. @r lutlllsteur.
@ l99O CaFom Co. Llmlt€d,
To$ d@lt3 E*ryB, Cel€u et fabrlqu€ $B ll@nc€ de
CAFCOM CO., LTD. JAPAll. Black TigerB €t Capcomri ou
Czp6m! $nt d* d6rqu6delbs€€ d€ crFoF Co., Lad.
tabrlqu€ €t d|3trlbu€ e6 llence par
lr.S. Gold Ltd., unlts
2ri Holford Way, tlolfo.d, Blmlngh.D t6 7AX.
Tel€Dhore: 02 r 625 55aa,
Le drclt3 d'.ut€ur sub3bl€ni 3ure progEnnl T@te
copte ou revente ou tout prct par dB moy€m qu€lconq!€s
ent 3trl.t€hent lnterdlts.
lcBlrl 4,/a2A llass€tt€
Clelchultlg dh Onlrr- und RUt!/ST(rP-Tart€n drnck€n,
PLAY.uadcm Rdrderdnn.ken und den Anwelsng€n auf
dch Ellds.blm folg.n.
CBIrI 64./r.24 Diek€ttc
taAD !.',&1 elntlpt n und imuin dnn k€n, d6nn d€n
Ary€lung.n .uf dm Blld*hlm folg€n,
L{t ut'." GlntlpFtr und lmDn drnckcr|. dann FI,AY .ur
SPECTRUII +2l(a.sctte
!€l dc. UtlutElODtlon.n auf D|lrlR dnircken. PUIY auf
d€n R.coir€. drtcken und dcn An*elsung€n aul d€tu
SPECTRUM +3 D|3k€tt€
Dcn C.mputcr aKhalt€n, Dl*€tt .lng€b€n und b€l d€n
IO^lra)f,{puon€..uflllrlI drnck€., D.s Splel ladt sl<h
und liiuft dann automtl*h,
CTf,l und dlc kleln. DIrEA'Tat€ gl€lchzeltlg driick€n und
d.nn PI,AY aufdem Reco.d€..
AlrlSTRAD CPIC Dlskette
f,Un-D|stt €lntlpp€n und .uf El|lrEi dnncken, OG Spl€I
l,idt.l.h und l,iuft <l6nn autdnatb.h.
D€n Cohpot€r 5n*h.ltcn und dl. spl.ldlskett€ €lng€b.n,
D6 Splel lidt 3lch und |auft dann automtl<h.
Den Comput r an&halten und di€ Spleldlsk€tte .lng€ben.
Da SDlel ladt slch und l6utt dand autom6tl*h,
In dd amd k h€n cln.tdrcl b66e Dnch€n
h€runt€r 6uf db erd€ und nb€rfl€l€n eln ftledll<hs
l(onlgrclch. nelncnAlptEum6nnnstemlrund
Z€Gtotung frlt 3lch. Als dlc!€m grod€n El€nd €ntsilnd eln
miichtlg€r und funhtl@r nmpaa, der slch dd b66€n
D.a.b.r und DAmoEn d.llt€, um Ruhc und Ordnung In
*lbm L.nd wtcdcrnczult€nen. Er hld Black Tlgcr. Ste
nbcmehm€n dk nolk von Black Tige. und beflnd€! slch In
€li€rg€alh.ll.h€n aantr.lMlt rc Sle slch ltr €l.e vtellalt
f€*lnd€r Actlon sii.!€d,
DasSpl€lb€tehtaElben€n, rcSl€EEhl.den€maglehe
c'€gn€rzcGtorcL nny.ilnucnsmm€ln, mltSdrusln
sch.tzkesta 6tfba und 6€h6rt€r .ulbelt€n, {orln 3lch
cntw€d€r Sch6tz. odd B6elchte bcflndd, Unteregg
b€gcgn.. Sle gel.g.ntllch cFtr.rten alt€n il,ionenl, dle Si€
vlcllekht b€lohmn, Enb Slc ale€lcn. llnlge geb€n
Rat&h|eg€ ob€r da Spl€|. 'nd€re wlling€m dl€ Spl.lzel!
g.b€n lhnc. C€ld oder €lncn lrholu.gltrunk. Ad €i.ig€n
k6nn€n Slc audr waf,€n, Rtutung Schlisecl und ftAnk€
k ufen. ltachd€m Sl€ €ln€h.lten Manb g€Etted hab€n,
rr*n$t.det q. nt den g€smm€lt€n z€n.y- nEen
k6'nM Sl€ unt6r€g3 VeBbl€dene k6uf€n, Sollten Sl€
elre der vler Wafier k uf€n, e €Mhelnt neb€n d€m
.rt [email protected] I@n untcn auf d.m Elld&him €ir€€nstirk€-Arr€lg€, Eelh E€nutzen de. wall€ we.ded
J€d6 mal neh|ft tle3g abg€uqfen.
Jdr€ lb€nc €.det mlt€lrem sl<htlgcn Oh€ltet€r. Das kann
elner d€r folgcnd€n *lnl
Blockkopf, Blau€r Dhche, SD€eruerf€nder Dra.he, Blau€r
's.murdlD.a<h€, Rot€r ltEch€, Gold€der'S.muEl:Dh.he
oder S.hvan€r It ct€.
Uft g€6ih€ter Sth.tzkaslen erglbt dm der folg.nden:
Sanduhr (En€lht m€hr Z€tt), L.rme oder Cotd. Dt€ ttiisten
.b.r mlt voBlcht b€rrand€ln, d.nn €lnlgc 6n lhncn
.nthrlt€n l.|m*iuln, dlc Sl€ bc*hridtgen hitnn€n,
Sle €rtaltcn chcn Aonue e.nn Sl€ r€M!t€den€ Cha6kt€rc
€lnsmm€ln. Unter dle*n b.flnd€n stch [email protected]€,
Zllen, l]isr und St€n€,
Hb. qt .lne Ll.te d€r nlcht s hl.htlgen 0b€luit€r u€nen
Sl€ bcq.g.en wrden:
Alcltatpac -r'lereckl g. PnBt€Eteln€, dle h€dmsprtngen
und Sle zu zerqu€ish.n w6u.hen,
Stcl.ta. - cMh€ln€n aus d.m todcn und werfen lhre xitDle
.ufsle zu. llan lann 3le nur toten, rcnn 3le In wlt€r r
BLucr Coblln - €r veBucht, Sl. mlt *lner Axt zu
nchdd. foacntatpa. - m.n kann sle t<tt€n,
rcocduELn - 3l€ 3Elen r.u€.,
rrtudrq ll - rn€trsh€narcsndc m6nre.
Audrrt, lll- glflge vallant. d.r Audrey rI. Soltten Ste wn
€lncr^udrey lI l€rglftet werd€n. s k<tnnen Sl. k€ln€
ab*rren. Dlc hn dcn alt€n Mlinnem rng.boten€n Trlinke
rerden dd Clftr*ld€r b€*ltlgcn.
rcucrdidod -1€r bew€gt il<h, ylrtl .ber t€u€rbitte
aulsl€zu. Sol.'lgeSte lhn trcncn. kann €r *tn€ rcuerb6le
ttlc 9.l!.r d.. tod6 - 3le eMhelnen In rwl V.rt.nt€n,
Eln. €%ugt rst€ reu.n*iulen, und dle .nd.rc btrur
Zl(*iulcn. Dk btau€n seul€n lnv€rtler€n dl€ llnke uno
rccht€ JoFtlckfunktlon. B€ld€ v.tuand€h sl.h In
GeP€Nt€r rc4n ste ang.grlfl€n rcrd.n,
SlElwrtcr|dc ltiimon.r dl€* slnd lBprilngtt.h
dlc lkn dann entl6lt€n und hedm.l.gcn, mbel
Vdgcl - todll.h, wenn m.n !l€ b€riihrt.
St lre - fallen .n ver*hleden.n Stel lcn h€runt€r, *nn
dI€!€ rcm s9l€l€r aktlvldt w4r€n. Dle st€ln€ 4lnngd eln
pa.r h6l, Mn 4.f6llen.
UblcPlll.n-kldlnebl6u€al@k n, dle3l.h umSle h€rum
b€D€gen und lgsuchen, Sl€ !u b.riihrcn.
Joygtlck-9t€u€ru rrg
Sollten Ste d.n Uoystlckhebel u€Bt hahshleben und
dann nach rcchlp/llnk, s w€rd€n Sle ungefehr elne halbe
s€kund. spiit€r nach ob€n sprlngen und 3lch dann na.h
rechb/!lnka b.wgen-
lf - Tastatur und T.sten PaNe 6n - nUN/STOP
Pau* aus TIUEf,XllOPF
J - Kempston-Joystl(k.
S- Slnclrl..Jotdtl.k,
t( Taltatur und T63tcn neu b€leg€n.
@ r99O Capcom Co. Llmlted. Ar|€ Rftht€ vorb€€n,
Dles6 Splel wurde herg6terlt In Llzenz von CAPCOM CO,
LTD., J.ptn. Black Ttg€rri und Capomn od.rcrp.omo 3lnd
Warcnz€lch€n rcn cAFCOtl CO. LlD.
tlergdtellt und Ertrleben, In Lrz€nz,
rcn u.3. GOLD
LltllTDD. Urlts ?/5 Holford Wa, tlollord, Blmlngham 66
7AX, Tel€fon: (@ 441 2 t 625 5544.
Dl€*s Programm lst urheb€ndhtllch ge$hntzt. D6s
unautorlslerte Kopieren, d€r Verlelh oder Weltederk ul
$el(her Arl auch Immer, ist strcn$tens unteEgl
CBm 641128 Cas3€tta
Prcml cotrt€mporane.ment€
| t stl6l|lFTe RUfUSmr. Pol
sul rcgl3tratd€ e *gul le indi@ioni sullo
CBltl 64/128 D|sco
Battl to^lt...,.,a,r prcml
quhdt 3€gut t€
Indl@zlonl sullo $h€mo,
SPECTRUIiI 48lf Cas3etta
Battl lItAD 44,6,r prcml
rfMO, quindi premt
PLAY sul
SPECTnUM +2ca3s€tta
Pr€ml II'(VIO sull'oorlone rO^DDR {CAnI(ATORI).
PUY 3ul rcgl3trdtore pol *gul le Indiczlonl sullo
Ad€ndl ll ompu|er Insri$l ll dlshetto. preml
sull'opzlore lO/UrAR (CAfiJCAToBI)
e il gl@ sl Grt@ e
glra aqtomotl@mede.
AIi|STRAD icPC Cassctta
Prcml cont€mporan€amente i irltr CTB|-
e tl'|Ylo pt@lo,
pol pr€ml PUIY 3ul rcgl3tr6tore,
6aitl f,Ull"Dlsx lllvlo, ll glco sl @d@. glra
Acc€ndl tlcomput€re
Insrl*l lldl<h.tto. rr
d(usi @i@
e glr.
A.endl [email protected]*niltldbdtctto: I
e glra€nte.
Il gl&o si .nl@b su vart. fa3l, n€lle quall tu r|€vt
dbtruggerc aftMn aanlastlcl, Ec@gliere Bttare monet€,
ap.lre *rlgnl (@n le.hlavl) € bdpeE contenlto.l In <ul
pos$no tloraBl lesri o ndl<|. Lungo la 3tEd. (i sno
dlw6l ve.chl lb€@tt .he posno alutartl * ll lben.
Alcunl t| danno d€gll Indl2l sul dtu, alrrl tl allungano ll
tehpo dl gi(e, o tl pr@uEno demb o porlonl vlt li, -
mentr€ altrl tl pem€ttono di a.quistarc da lm aml,
coraz4, chlali e Dozlonl, Quando elvl un v6.tlo, qu6to
scomparc. Mett€ndo da parte l€ mon€te, sel In giado dl
a<qubtare oggettl v.rl lungo ll €mmino. Se @mprl una
d€lleaml dlsponlblll. nell1@mapproprlrtr l. bassullo
$h.t@ rpparc ll dl pote@ d€rl'anna. Cbnt votta
ch€ Bl l'am., tlrl ruto@tiemente dlveBl pugmtl.
Ognl f.*temlna 6nungtl)g malv.glo, Tl Dud@Dlt re,
dt In@ .arc uno qualsla3l del s€gu€nti:
TBta Quedn, Dtaghl Azzurl D€monl Tl.. La.@, Ohghl
Samur.l Azzuri, Dmghl RGSL Draghl Samural Do.ati,
Aprcndo urc $rlgno, puol t@arc uno d€r sguentl:
Una<lsldE (d de 6rtb tempo), unatantema, oppurcorc.
Tanto tempo fa, tt dagrrl m.|€nd .(E*ro <Ll clelo
*mlnando ome In un Incubo, ccurlti e disttuzlone tn un
reame nno ad allora pa.lfl@. Da qu€tl s|fftna €h
emers un tori€ e @ragglos gu€rlerc, @no$luto elo <on
ll nod€ dl Tlgr€ lleh (Black Tlg€r), ch€ awE alfrontato I
dlaboltct Draghl e I D€monl per rlportar€ la l€gge e l oKllre
nella sua t€m, TW ade, asunl ll tuolo d€lla Tlgrc d€.a,
entrando tn un slnlstrc mondo fanta3tl.o fatto dl .zlonl
Stal, .l.unl @nt€ngorc @lonn. dl tuo(o clr€
oo3!o@ darni.
I ptml d on€ngono hcogll€ndo v!d. ngu.c, t'l lc qu.ll
webe c.p@m, .lll b.nll . st€lle,
f,d €@ una llst dl malvagl mhon ch€ ln@ntrenl:
Lrtc (b.dE - brEhl dl plctn rctrlngol.ii <he
rlmb6lano ln glb e@ndo dl *hl.c.l.ial.
S< - €m€rgono dal t€|r€rc . tl tlrlno I tqhl. nq
ll puol ueldcrc nno a .h. tM sno @mp|€rament..'
foll.ato /t'ufr - qu€sto..rcs dl a p€zi @n rr $a
rc*hl Ruot d - non Dml oald€rll.
UuDlc dl FuGo - sputano fuo@,
Aurl..t ll - planta @ml@E,
Ard..y lll - una van€ti wl€tlos dl Audrey ll. Se vtent
awdedb da una plrntr AudEy lll, no. tlrl plo I DugMll.
Il wleno Dud .grc cuEto @n le D@lonl d€l v€cchl.
ItcDor.d.l fuo@-queto mn 3l ml'oE, m tl dErl. rc
dl tuo.o. Cllclo puol lmFdlrc slo @ntlnuando a @lDlrlo.
L.ilort - qu6ll a dl du€ tlpl. Uns gen€6 @lonne dl tudo
|1)g. .l'€ltn g€n@ @lonn€ dl (hret€
ultltr Dret(Eno l'lnwBlon d€llE d6tE 3lnbtta sul
loystl.k. (Fando wrgono atta@t€, enttamb€ dlwnt no
DcDorl Tln lnn.L - all'lnlzlo eno d€ll€ sf€re, tnt sl
dbtendom e 6l!no tlEndo lane.
Ue.l|l - * tl t@no, $no ru.tall.
io.c-@dorc da D6il dlv€61 quddo sono D()g d. un
gloetoE, Dol fanrc un p€lo dl rlmbalrl € sl dblntcgEro.
Fldlc lgloball - pl@ll gruml .zzunl $bb.lan .rr.
Contiolll Jo!.3tlck Su
srnrska- I
- $p.ra
se splngl prlma In 3a pot a d6rtstnbrE un 6-azton€
sondo dopo,
$lti In alto e
tl muovi
a dath o. strt.t.a
Controlll Ta3tleia
cBrr 64/a2a
PaM .ntua - ltuN/sfoP
Pa@ disttlva - B{rTTo(E Dt rajoco
|(-!. e Rldetlnk e I tastl
J - Jo'3tlck l.€mp3ton.
x-Tastl€.a. Rld€ltnts t t8tl
O r99O derr. Co. Ltmtted. Turd I dtnati rl*dafl,
Il do@ a 3trto prcdolto $ llc.a delt6 CAPCO CO, LTD.
cl.pDon€. Bl..k TlgerE Capcomn o C{p<om6 sno marchl
d€ 5 carcoM co, LTD.
e d|sMbulto iu tianad. .U,S. cOLD LtlflTED.
Unlb 2/5 Bollord Way, tlolford, Btmtngh.h 86 7A,c
Telerono: O21 625 $aa.
ll progDmma a.oo.rto d. @!''rlOht. Ctu.tunque @ptatur6.
prestlto o rlw.<lltr @n qu.tslad mcz@, eno sbettrftnt€
vl€tatl se prlvt dt .utdl@zldc.
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Games Database BLACK TIGER Operating instructions

Operating instructions

Games Database BLACK TIGER, a thrilling adventure game set in a mystical realm, transports you to a world of captivating challenges and epic battles. As the valiant Black Tiger, your mission is to restore peace to a kingdom plagued by demonic forces and malevolent creatures.

With a diverse range of enemies to conquer, including goblins, dragons, and treacherous traps, BLACK TIGER demands strategic thinking and lightning-fast reflexes. Discover hidden treasures, collect magical items, and utilize powerful spells to aid your quest.

Immerse yourself in the captivating storyline as you progress through perilous dungeons, encounter enigmatic characters, and uncover the secrets of the ancient kingdom. Experience the excitement of intense boss battles, where your skills and courage will be put to the ultimate test.

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