ACUCXTM2M Router Quick Guide ACUCXTM2M Router Quick Guide
Acura Embedded Systems Inc. Updated in May 2017 Acura Embedded Systems Inc. Updated in May 2017
3.5. Bandwidth control
Under captive portal, there is traffic control option.
The traffic control is effective to the clients within DHCP IP pool. If just control WIFI clients, please
set static IP for LAN clients.
For example, Set DHCP IP pool as “192.168.1. 60 ‐”. The traffic control only works
for the clients under the IP pool.
3.6. Captive portal
This feature is used for showing advertisements. When a client accesses the Internet through the
ACUCXTM2M router, the captive portal will push a web page for authentication.
After authentication,the clients can continue using the Internet connection.
3.7 Portal Page
The left side web page is the default portal page.
When accessing Internet through ACUCXTM2M
router, the clients need accept this portal page
“landing page” and press “OK, I agree”,
otherwise the clients cannot
access the Internet.
Control upload and
download rate.
Logged timeout: the max Int
ernet connection time clients
can use
Idle timeout: the interval ti
me between two times pushi
ng advertisement
Ignore LAN: Do not push
advertisement to LAN clients.
Redirecting http://: After
clients "agree" on the
"landing page", push to
advertisement website which
set here.
MAC white list: Do not
push advertisement to
clients with the MAC.
After restarting, the captive
portal will work.